Additional Adjustment to Lightning Breath

I think I’m finally upset. I should be at least refunded 10 gold in respec cost. Every 4 minutes we get a change.


Sure unfortunate that people can’t handle the only cd we get that’s once a minute for 3 attacks lmao. I know before long there will be complaining and you’ll come for bite/claw next.



So i just teach my serpent bite and he still breaths for a good chunk and now bite benefits off KC charges since it won’t be used up by LB?..

I’ll take it.



How are they going to buff hunter abilities when they have nerfed every single one of them so far outside of the base vanilla kit? (no, I dont recognize melee abilities cause theyre cringe and nobody wants to play rogue from wish)

The truth is bad players cry about getting killed by hunters in ashenvale without realizing this is the bracket they are absolutely strongest in. Our ranged AP scaling is absolute trash and are a useless class by BWL. Meanwhile warriors who are famously bad early on but crush later due to how well they scale with stats*, are already #1 at the highest level with their new runes. Its actually absurd that everything fun and interesting has been taken away from a class hardly 2 weeks into the game.

P.S. BM hunter in retail is braindead and your pets do 90% of your damage, all you do is keep up frenzy by using barbed shot and click kill command when its up.


too bad he’ll use lightning breath first


Am BM hunter going into BFD in a few and neither of my pets work with kill command. That doesn’t seem right…


does bite use 50 focus?..

If not there’s many moments where serpent sits at 20-30-40 focus and he can bite then.


you’re only there for your raid buff now, kiddo.


unsubbing, you guys just want hunters to not be good in the only time they will be good.


Thanks, now I can finally unsubscribe.


Good change, the pet abuse is out of hand hopefully it gets settled once and for all.

so now wind serpents can’t even use their kill command up due to bite CD, completely useless in pvp now, gotta wait 10 seconds for abilities to come up lol


Pathetic. But not unexpected at all.

KC rune should be rethought, especially if it’s only affecting two abilities - bite and claw (moreso than bite) consume these laughable 3 charges immediately. Take away the charges, or make it a instant attack with a MUCH shorter CD.

Revert explosive shot to single target and change to scale more reasonably. Like… Hunter is only fun because it was doing some OK damage. Take away some burst and give them better sustained. More than half the runes are garbage.

Scale arcane shot, serpent sting with AP. Aimed shot as well if it doesn’t already.

Change Sniper Training to crit autoshots as well. We don’t have any other viable shots. It’s boring, but at least usable.

Change Master Marksman from Chest to Legs. As it stands, none of the leg runes are any good.

Oh, and while you’re at it, add some runes for a hunter tank spec. It certainly makes more sense than a rogue tank. Add wildfire bombs, etc., to make a melee build actually viable.

Lock and load, explosive shot interaction was probably the best iteration of hunter there has ever been. Make this class fun. Tune it accordingly, but no way should it not have top DPS potential if it’s the only pure DPS class in the game.

Do better. It’s laughably easy.


For all the hunters whining, I hit a premade with 7 hunters with wind serpents in WSG. It needed to be done because otherwise stacking as many hunters with the meta pet is the way to win.

Meh you win Blizzard. Time to hang up the hunter till I see what Phase 2 brings. Guess we just jump on the Priest/Warrior/Pali meta so we are safe from nerfs.


Even with pre-nerf lightning breath, the best hunter was doing 100+ less DPS than the best warrior. Hunters honestly need some buffs or warriors need nerfs.


Bite uses 35 focus and has a 10 sec cooldown. Claw uses 25 focus

Good work Blizzard!

they not only removed the KC interaction, but nerfed the damage as well

Yeah and people hit a 10 priest WSG too, which was completely unkillable. Yet priests just got buffs.