I'm done with SOD, BM is now dead. Pets deleted & multiple stat changes

We will we will just tame the 1.2 attack speed tiger and people will complain. About that too .


Wind Serpent basically spams execute at range. That’s not cool bro.


“Hey Blizzard, stop nerfing hunters! My pet can’t one-shot people anymore!”


You guys are so bad. You just cc the pet. BM that’s all we have is our pet. hunter scales bad at high levels. Blizzard is a joke, you guys are too.


i get the feeling you have not been on the receiving end of the scopion solo experience?


Hunters have always been strong at low levels, it’s nothing new. But the fact is that hunter is an underperforming class at 60. I subbed to WoW because I wanted to play BM.

You won’t see me on the forum anymore, because I’m done with this game, officially lost a long term player that has spent thousands of dollars on Blizzard products.


I’d say take a chill and just consider that low levels are the level cap at the moment, so they needed adjusting, and you don’t know how things are going to be at 40, let alone 60, it’s a mystery.

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Yeah and every other class can wahoo. Nice one!

We can only hope. Enough whiny babies here already.


And yet, has only played one class ever in the history of WoW.


Ah why yes how simple.

Let me just burn half an energy bar and reset my combo points by gouging the pet for a few seconds whilst the hunter can blast me.

Perhaps if I’m a mage I can sheep the pet right? Good opening if you can do it, if not you might be a little far behind on the damage to keep up.

Locks and priests can fear them, that’s fair.

The rest of the cast though?

Dps race the pet whilst the hunter back peddles and hope you win.

I think the whole world would be happy if they just got rid of the dead zone and made pets do half the damage they do now and redistribute the damage to the actual hunter.

Been pvping all day, hunter pets still hurt


I don’t understand a lot of the complaints about hunter pet nerfs. Are you disappointed that you wont be able to solo other players with your pet? Is it that you’re not going to be #1 on the dps charts?

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If this is what makes you quit, you already had one foot out the door.

Personally I’m not a fan of balancing around level 25 anyway… Just get phase 2 out ASAP instead. But yeah, everything they’ve done so far makes sense.

Later phases will inevitably buff things they previously nerfed, creating a vicious but necessary cycle.

It’s a test version of classic wow with bonus fun skills. You’re signing up for things like this.

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Godspeed young hunters.

You will be missed.

We’re still here to need on yer loot

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The same threads pop up literally any time Blizzard has ever nerfed any obscene FOTM tactic that allows bad players to stomp people with no effort.

Try improving at the game such that you aren’t reliant on a crutch, and you’ll enjoy it more. You’ll have time since we all know you aren’t actually quitting.


Your post was so dumb you got me to login, congrats


Im a ranged hunter with a boar pet, I use his charge to keep my enemies at distance.

As long as rogues can two shot from opener and consistently beat hunters in BFD dps we good right?


Hunter are still top tier lmao, stop whining and learn to play

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