Adding Some Goodies

I’ve been thinking about Classic quite a bit lately and was wondering about things that can be added without taking away the Original feel.
The most basic thing is Loot. You have the same dungeons/raids but add more goodies. What goodies? Mounts, cosmetic style items (since there’s no Transmog), pets. I know Classic will already have some of these drops, but expanding on the library of item drops encourages people to repeat the content. Since Classic won’t have “old” content from its POV players will need to still run Scholo or UBRS the way it was intended, without a 40 level adavantage. It adds some repeatability to avoid Classic content feeling Old. Adding more of these same items to the larger world will also allow more Solo-play centric players to set and achieve goals similar to the mount and pet farming systems.
What else do you feel can be added without changing or taking away from the Systems of the game?

This is going to go over well here.


No Changes. Ty.


yeah how about we don’t change the game just to tickle the fancy of “but it will be old”.

totally haven’t seen that approach used around here.


They need to ban trolls. Like 72 hour forum ban for purposefully trolling.


Nah, without the trolls this forum would be dead. They put a smile on my face

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This can’t be serious, right?


There is already a reason to repeat content. Many dungeons have items needed for head/leg enchants. Righteous orb/dark rune farming. Black anvil/forge, Alchemy lab(preBWL). These things will keep people coming back to old content. Adding more gear or pets won’t, at least not by much.

Zero posts and a piss poor attempt at baiting. 0/10

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You know, there are dozens of reasons to revisit old content in Classic. Running a guildmate through a dungeon to get some quests and loot. Running old dungeons for certain items - Hydrocane, Gnomeregan schematics, Carrot on a Stick, BiS pieces, cloth, Shadowfang, and that sort of thing. Running old dungeons for money. Running old dungeons to tie up quests that you missed. Running old dungeons to do all of the above, but in a higher level dungeon and with a friend.

Furthermore, even old zones don’t become irrelevant just because somebody is raiding Naxxramas. Certain low-tier and middle-tier potions never become irrelevant, and those herbs don’t spawn in the Plaguelands or whatever. Playing an engineer? You’ll still be using iron and mithril at level cap and somebody somewhere has to mine that stuff. Felwood buffs, Magic Dust, mojo buffs. What about when your new guy can’t find a group for elite orcs in Redridge?

Fishing in its entirety. I mean, are you going to sit in EPL and try for Oily Blackmouths when there’s a school system? How about food being all over the place?

And then you can WPvP anywhere.

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Heavy sigh…

No, bad Daylyn. Go play Retail, or find a game that matches all the “best of” things you’re looking for. Please stop trying to change Classic.

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New Item Suggestion:

Mug of None of that crap
Binds on Pickup