Adding shop mounts when game is terrible

Yup. Just as I thought. Absolutely zero argument and nothing but drivel to say. You can’t even hold a real debate. All you can do is throw out insults and false numbers. Can’t even reply back in a mature manner or even attempt to defend yourself. Why? Because you have no way to defend anything you said since I debunked it all.

I miss the ignore feature. But I’ll simply stop replying to you. You’re not worth my time.

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This is EXACTLY what happened in WotLK with Sparklepony. My absolute word, you would have thought it was the Death of WoW™ the way people were raving on the forums. WoW is going to become P2W, this is the gateway to store weapons and armor, OMG OMG cancel subs now!

Complaining will never stop. It could be a perfectly sunny day without a cloud in the sky, and the Gen Forums would complain about the lack of shade.

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I have no time to “argue” with someone that’s so full of themselves they quote themselves half a dozen times and attacks with a strawman argument. You have yet to argue anything I said. I just wanted you to know how terrible your post is. I can’t believe how delicate you are about this.

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Yeah I’ll bite one last time…

Honey, I broke down your argument point by point and explained how you’re wrong. That’s not a strawman. That’s refuting what you’ve said.

Learn what a strawman is.

And then I went back and point by point showed you that it wasn’t a strawman when you cried “strawman”. Guess what? You’re the one with the strawman now.

Hypocritical much? :roll_eyes:

Just stop. You’re not helping yourself here. And I’m out and off to work.

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God you’re still replying? Let me know when you’ve got a solid argument.

That a huge stroke of hyperbole.


Considering the introduction video for the mount has a dislike to view ratio comparable to the YouTube Rewind for 2018, I’d argue otherwise.

That’s the same group of people that just want to trash Blizzard. They would bomb a video giving free game time away.


I Don’t have a problem with in store purchases. Game companies ultimately are in it to make money. Bottom line. If They want to sell a cool looking mount and folks want to buy it. Fine with me.

In a game where you play $50 up front for the current expac and then $15 a month, all content should be attainable through in game means and nothing purely micro transaction based.
I guess I am old fashioned that way…

Also don’t give me the “just buy a token with gold” line. That’s a whole nother can of worms.


And you are becoming one of my favorites!

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You’re wrong. You’re oh so wrong. This fanbase loves Blizzard and wants to support them, most of their videos have a positive like to dislike ratio. 99% of them. Even when people were incredibly unhappy during WoD and we literally got a selfie cam twitter integration patch, people STILL didn’t dislike bomb the video:

There is no “dislike bombing”, only in the latest two videos (the mount and 8.1 survival guide) are people disliking because they are tired of the game they want to enjoy being terrible, meanwhile Blizzard is lining up their pockets with useful fools like you who would pay almost two months worth of a subscription for a mount which should already be included in the game in the first place.

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Whoa. We’ve have shifted from disagreeing to making personal attacks with this one. O.o

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I’ve just had it with Blizzard being defended at every single turn by this internet defense force of forum-dwellers, all whom don’t ever seem to actually play the game just talk about it. It’s very simple: A majority of people aren’t happy with the current state of the game. We’re 5 months into the new expansion and there are still glaring issues and game-breaking bugs that Blizzard refuses to even acknowledge. Entire classes are broken and received nothing but bandaids after being told to wait for 8.1. Yet even with all of this, the new mounts Blizzard puts into the game are all recolors of existing mounts with the exception of one and the coolest looking one gets put into the store for yet another 25 smackers.

I can afford this mount with gold very easily, but I refuse to contribute to it based on principle and I wish the rest of the playerbase was responsible enough to not reward Blizzard when they most definitely do not deserve it. This behavior shouldn’t be rewarded. You are being a useful fool.

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You being tired of people disagreeing with you does not make it alright to personally attack someone. As for people not playing the game only talking about it, that would be people who have decided they don’t like the game but stay on the forums to complain about it and bad mouth the people who are playing.

That is very simply a conclusion drawn from a source whose size an unknown. If you want to say, “the majority of people who rated the video are unhappy” that is accurate. We have no idea how many wow subs there are.

Could you tell me what game-breaking means to you? I am still able to play so it must not be that literal.

Again you’ve used a term differently than I would.

I am broke but I have less problem with this than you do. The problem you are citing would not be fixed if the mount creators stop doing their art. I am not a bit offended.

Ok. Sounds good. I like it when people stand up for their principles.

Now you just want to force your principles on others. That is not so cool.

And now you have resorted to name calling again. There might be people swayed to change their opinion to match yours based on your insulting skills, but I am not one of them. Nor is that permissible behavior on the forums.


Why do all of you respond with fragmented posts like this? Just respond normally, it makes it such a pain to read and frankly it’s not even worth it.

Seriously? I am sorry but if I am not going to let you force your opinion regarding whether or not someone should buy a store mount on me, do you really think I am going to let you tell me how to format my posts?


You really seem to have some personal issues, you keep thinking I’m trying to force anyone to do anything. I don’t know who’s hurt you, but I wish you the best of luck.

playeth’rs of games! i requesteth humbly, stand ho liking what i liketh not!

t gives me most wondrous teen and suff’ring to seeth oth’rs enjoying yond which i doth not enjoyeth!

-William Shakespeare aka WillieShakes69

Way longer than a knee-jerk reaction to some complaints on the forums.

How long do you think it would take to draw an artist concept, then make it a graphic drawing, write the programming code to make it move, jump, fly then integrate it into the game (more programming). Definitely longer than a “let’s sell a mount to counteract the forum noise” decision would want.