Right now, you can right click someone’s name and report them for four things.
-Their name, if it’s offensive/obscene and violating the ToS.
-Cheating, if you suspect them of cheating.
-Spamming, if they’re blasting chat to make it unreadable.
-Language, which I assume is mostly for those using sexist/racist slurs and bypassing the profanity filter to do so.
Now all of these are valid things to report… but there’s not a really good fit for reporting people who are just intentionally starting arguments in LFG and Trade. Especially the people who bring up politics just to watch the fireworks.
These sorts of people could really use temporary suspensions from global chat channels for instigating or participating in blatant trolling. It’s really bad late at night and makes LFG nearly unusable, as even if you’re willing to wade through the mess, a lot of people who might otherwise be in LFG bail to avoid the drama.
Right click
Stop trying to silence other people.
Depending on the severity of the problem, some self-policing is fine.
However, you’re right that OP should just ignore unless the person is spouting slurs and disrupting chat.
In case anyone has a full ignore list, you can get the addon “Global Ignore List Classic” and ignore your whole server if you want.
You aren’t a mind-reader. Therefore you cannot know a person “intent”. Therefore you cannot know if they are intentionally “just” arguing. So this is 100% opinion: your opinion of them.
Worse, it will be abused 99% of the time. What if they sincerely disagree with you? They aren’t “just” arguing, but you will report them anyway.
I would ban anyone who bring up politics in trade chat or in LFG chat, because that is not the purpose of that chat. But I’m not a mind-reader, so I won’t pretend I know their reason (“just to watch the fireworks”).
Your imagination (about someone’s “intentions”) is not a reason to suspend someone else.
Perhaps we could have an option to report people who are attempting to silence others. 
I’d be curious as to what sort of interactions with others a person is having that would cause them to have a full ignore list.
It’s easy to fill your ignore list if you simply ignore everyone trolling about politics in trade chat.
There’s an online group that I belong to that has a rule that I find very interesting, which is, “Interpret the arguments of others in good faith, do not seek to disagree.”
I like that.
To clarify, the full rule is:
- Be charitable
- Interpret the arguments of others in good faith, do not seek to disagree.
- When we do disagree, try to understand why.
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I TEND to agree, but these forums are pretty bad, so I’m not sure that’s wise advice to follow around here.
Hell, just tonight I had someone who quietly edited his comments when I pointed out a glaring contradiction and then claimed he never said the thing in the first place… then he came at me with a sock puppet (and even posted something on the wrong character).
I’m not sure what, “I’m not sure that’s wise … to follow” means, precisely, so I’ll hesitate to assume that you’re suggesting not following it as your recommendation.
However, I’m curious as to how you might think that following such advice might be harmful to an individual (if that’s something you might think).
It opens you up to quite a bit of trolling around here.
I’m not saying you should never assume good faith. I’m saying “know your audience”.
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I see what you mean.
So, there may be a fine line between assuming good faith and being naive, so be cognizant of that, basically.
Yes… some have suggested that I should have rolled a dwarf.
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No. Trolling is basically a catch all category for “I disagree with this person”, and/or “I don’t like this person”. It has no business being a report category. If you feel like those four RCR options aren’t enough, open up an ingame ticket to report them in more detail.
Fun fact, if it’s political that’s still language, and once you report them for language, they disappear from your chat.
Why exactly do we need more than 4 categories?
Just ignore them. If it really really bothers you that they’re dumping their MAGA nonsense or being Bernie Bros in LFG or trade, report for spam since it’s a misuse of the channel. Trolling is too vague to have a report function just for that.
Does Bliz even review the reports? I report the same ppl for constantly using words like f*** (that would get them banned quick from these forums) over and over and yet they’re still there doing it. To the ppl who say “just ignore” - the ignore list capacity is way too small.
Only on the alliance side…
Horde aren’t so soft.
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It ain’t easy being a troll.
Turn on your adult language filter and you’ll never be offended by that word again.