Add RBG's to WOTLK

I imagine they would have to take the RBG code from Cata then tailor that to WOTLK in regards of what’s available to queue into, value changes in regards to the level required to queue up, make arena points and RBG points the same thing so as to not complicate buying PVP gear and I’m sure some other minor details I’m overlooking.

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nothing really needed to re-code because Classic is on the retail engine. This function basically already exists.

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in that case, LETS GO BLIZZ DO IT UP

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Yes please

Still a majorly positive response from the player base. When will devs listen? This can literally only help the game out.

In my brief stint in Retail - the instanced housing one? With the table and followers? Kinda cool actually, RBGs i thoroughly enjoyed. Too bad i sucked at it. The game and classes changed way too much since Vanilla.

Next question though, what’s the incentive? Rewards? Gear? I know there are some players who will play for fun, but if I were a betting man, I’d say people need a reason to make things more difficult for them. If PuGs is faster and easier, people will PuG.

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I would assume they would make it similar to retail where you could earn some arena points from it since it would be rated. Perhaps some honor would be nice too…

yeah dunno. i also remember rbg and arena gear being higher quality than non. or you get it faster. something like that.

That has always been the case and always should be. Rated PvP should always have better gear. End of story.

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Huge fan of this and dare i say…DARE I SAY…Challenge Mode Dungeons also. SHEEEEEEEEESH

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I honestly dont see a reason that anyone would be against RBGs for wotlk.
Theres not a single downside I can think of.

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That’s what I’m saying. It can only help.

There is 0 downside to adding RBG’s and 99% are in favor.

Sounds like a great idea!

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I am a fan of this, but doubt it will happen… its a selling point for Cata.

Excellent Idea! Please blizzard give us RBGs

I would subscribe on more accounts than 1 if RBG’s came in WOTLK.
RBG’s should of been added in TBC. PvP is super stale and dying right now with only arenas for any rated PvP content.

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Silvershard mines: Sucks, i agree

Deepwind Gorge: Sucks, I agree

Temple: REALLY sucks, I disagree I love temple get in there and fight or lose.

Battle for Gilneas: Is just a terrible version of AB where every game is a “3-2” snoozefest.

I agree.

Twin Peaks: Is literally WSG except worse in every way.

I actually like TP its just a bit too large imo.

Yeah this is the ticket, I was too lazy to type it but as an organiser for my server I have a lot of vanilla players upset at how there is no PvP community as a result of Arena and the whole duelling out front of SW is no longer a thing since everyone arena or raid logs. People in TBC instantly have become objective oriented as a result of instanced content which is why random dungeon finder is a bad concept for end-game now I do support it for levelling but it has no place at end game as half of the end game is social interaction.

But yeah people are really upset at how the new meta has shifted hard from Vanilla and nobody is keen. Also apparently there wont be as much of a BG grind in LK as there was in TBC so going on that heresay would only mean the problem is going to get worse.

I made so many friends from Ranking in Vanilla and my current Arena partners and mates are the people I ranked with. For a new player coming into LK to a new server, how are they going to network outside of their guild if they want Arena partners? There is no real social hub to break barriers and let people get to know who’s in the PvP community and also improve. The bonus of group PvP is the ability to take criticism and learn which is a huge problem when you don’t know anyone so the barrier to entry is lowered for new players.

RBGs = Good, devs please add!

  • Further I’ll add social interaction and friendships is the exact reason people always want to start fresh on fresh servers, because as servers age the active population and friendships made dwindle over time as people stop playing or take a break. Which means nobody starts off on an even field where you have to work together to climb to the top. In retail you can just do it all by yourself so you skip the need to network and grow. Which is the real reason I think people hate playing retail because it feels so disjointed. This is why Private Servers are so popular. Is because they frequently start from zero as fresh iterations.

Being able to glide over half the map for one side kinda ruins twin peaks though.

Eng stuff are disable in RBGs