Add paladin to void elves

Nah were straight up High elves now its fantastic and why we deserve to have Paladins on velf.

Meh they will simply change the lore to having the remaining high elves join the Velfs so we can call ourselves high elves and it would be fine just like void elf paladins will be.

I still say void them all. Snuff out the evil Light.

Deep inhale


Edit: High Elves (see Blood Elves) channel the Light through the Sunwell. Void Elves are no longer attached to the Sunwell, so they can’t be Paladins. Also when Light and Void connect, they explode.

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takes your race
takes your customizations

There seems to be a trend of blizzard taking Belf things and giving them to Velfs, and Paladin is all that remains and we coming for that mmmhmmm.

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Funny, I didn’t think High elves had tentacles in their hair, bled purple, or lit up like a void glowstick every minute. Sounds like Belves get to be real High elves. :upside_down_face:


Don’t worry blizzard just today gave us all of the Belf customization and the hair is also coming soon as stated so we can be High elves with blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin on the real High elf faction where we belong, the alliance.

This was never stated though lol

Um the real High elves officially left the alliance. :woman_shrugging:

Agreed. Let Velfs have the same amount, since we are letting velfs be holy and disc priests, and letting undead be priests since vanilla…and i mean even Tauren, just big tribalistic furries, can be paladins, so why not velfs?


Shhh don’t remind these guys that void elf priests using the light exists in game.


You’re so far down the rabbit hole. lol


Oh boy, this thread again.
Void elves are not getting a class that mainlines the antithesis of the void instead of just channeling it like a priest, because it’s a biological impossibility, the same reason they’ll never get demon hunters. No, Blizzard is not going to retcon their lore to make this stupid idea a reality, and no, they’re not going to give one race preferential treatment and reskin an entire class for it.

“BlIzZaRd DoEsN’t CaRe AbOuT tHeIr LoRe”
They clearly still do despite how often people on GD parrot this garbage, otherwise race/class restrictions would’ve been thrown out already. You also seem obnoxiously insistent that your stupid idea is an inevitability, in which case you’ll get burned in the end like people who wanted high elves to be a full allied race, people who wanted vulpera on both factions, people who wanted mechagnomes to be barber options for gnomes, and various other goobers on GD.

No, it’s not and it was never stated anywhere. The different hair colors and Entropic Embrace are the last things physically separating the two races. Blonde elves on the Alliance aren’t happening unless they give blonde hair to night elves.

And of course, you’ve outed yourself as an Alliance fanboy.

One is channeling the light and only exists for gameplay reasons, the other is physically impossible because the individual would go Chernobyl. That’s not hard to understand.

There was no reason for Tauren to become paladins, it was a retcon as is. Blizz is fine retconning so its totally fine.

There are far more chances that Blizz adds the Paladin class as it is to Void Elves than this.

Blizz doesn’t like this type of customization, or don’t use resources for this. Who wants to be a Void Knight can choose a Warrior and pretend to be one.

Imagine trying to actively defend the fact blizzard wont recon this. They gave into our demands for high elves and even changed them a bit to void to appease the belfs who would be angry. When will you guys learn you’re on the losing side because you won’t do anything in protest that would have a big enough negative impact to blizzard to counter the huge benefits and money they will make by giving us Paladin with all the Belf Customization so we can be alliance high elves.

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Your first mistake is assuming I like one faction over the other, Unlike 99% of this player base I actually play BOTH factions equally since I don’t pay 15$ a month to play half a game. With that said why does it matter to you that Velfs are carbon copies of Belfs? How does that impact you’re game play experience at all?

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  1. High Elves are supported by lore in the Alliance more than any other “allied race” we’ve gotten, even Dark Irons we’re our enemy till about Cataclysm, High Elves have been represented on the Alliance, in-game, since vanilla.

  2. And you’re ok with them creating lore out of thin air and giving the Alliance a carbon copy model in Void Elves? Instead of them taking the time to having created a differentiated rig for a High Elf AR?

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So you understand the overall conflict, Alliance High Elf fans are allowed to be mad about the circumstance, especially regarding how sketchy it’s been up to this point.

There’s a reason they’re asking for Void Elf paladins. Void Elves were a mistake, and they’ve realized that now.

Thats the problem they gave us what we didn’t want to try to appease belf players but since they clearly don’t care about their opinions anymore since none of them unsubbed in protest in large enough numbers we should be able to get what we originally wanted which was Helfs and Paladin is apart of that.

Dunno how Void Elf paladins would be a mistake when they don’t affect literally anyone but the individual playing it.

I seriously doubt your constitution is so weak that your knees will give out if you spot a Void Elf paladin out in the wild my guy.

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