Add paladin to void elves

Gretchen, stop trying to make Void Elf Paladins happen. It’s not going to happen.


FTFY, 10 char

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Wow there sure are a lot of people who really don’t want to see void Elf Paladins, lucky for me there’s so many more of us who want it Blizzard will give in to our demands like all the rest since it only makes them money.

Yes, and the same can be said of Sunwalker paladins. I do get that. But to somehow make Void Elf paladins work you’d need to change the design of the universe and how cosmic forces operate in it.

Lightforged Draenei Death Knights should be continuously and endlessly on fire.

Please stop pretending lore matters anymore.

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Aren’t Shadow Priests basically voidified?

So why is a Shadow Paly so hard to accept?


It isn’t they just need to become their own unique class.

A Shadow Paladin isn’t a Paladin… It’s a Void Knight, or whatever you want to call it.

Should be it’s own thing.

Probably the only instance you can point to of a decision that quite possibly makes zero sense.

LF DKs are an abomination but they’re also an outlier.


When the light forged draenei dies, light explodes out of him

Bolvar finds said body and go “neat a tattooed draenei”

He then raises him to be a death knight, light is no longer bound to that draenei, cuz you know, he died

But it wouldn’t be fair to deny his racials in game, so mechanics wise he still gets racials


Only instance that’s required, it happened and it’s in the game, i don’t know why you need a tally of precedence for it to make sense, blizzard tweaks lore all the time for things to make sense.

Void Elf priests are also a thing that doesn’t make sense, since you need numbers for some reason. If Alleria can’t even touch Turalyon because of her Void Infusion, Void Elf priests shouldn’t be able to wield anything other than Shadow, so no Disc or Holy.

Because if one mistake justified a plethora of other mistakes this world would be a wasteland.

Fortunately that’s not quite the way it works.

Not saying Void elf Paladins should be a thing either. I just want all the information out there. I mean, who knows. Might have stumbled somewhere and smarter minds then mine can see it.

What? Getting belf customizations does not make you a High elf, you can rp as one but the void elves are still void elves. Asking for retcons to suit what you want is also terrible precedent to set.

And you didn’t get all the belf customization, and that was likely very intentional. Be happy you got the skins and eyes.


I remember “all” the lore geeks telling me why my VE couldn’t be a DK. And now I can. So continue on and tell me all the lore reasons as if Blizzard actually cares.

Doubtful we will see VE Pallies at launch, but I bet we will see them sooner or later. And when that day comes, I’ll look forward to joining the Alliance on my new shiny VE Pally mount.

There are no High Elf paladins. The Blood Elves created them by siphoning power from the Sunwell.

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Is there more background on this character?

If he was added in Cataclysm as the Wiki states then he’s just an Elven Paladin channeling the light of the Sunwell like all the others.

Wouldn’t be anything special about him whatsoever. Blue eyes are allowed pilgrimage to the Sunwell.

He was added in Wrath, he’s in Wrath Dalaran, in the Silver Covenant area.

The wiki you linked directly refutes that even if he was plopped into those areas.

Patch changes

[Patch 7.0.3] (2016-07-19): Shoulderpads changed from blue to red.
[Patch 4.0.3a] (2010-11-23): Added.

Your point?

He is a High Elf, he is a Paladin.

Need anything else? Or do you just thrive on semantics?

As much as you can consider the Cata pre-patch, part of the Cataclysm expansion itself.

You know what, i’ll concede. I jumped into you and Mjosura’s conversation late and I guess im agreeing with you that blue-eyed Paladins indeed have support to exist as of WotLK.