Add marriage system to WoW pls, allow people to marry players

Every single hot hunky orc has turned down my advances even though I make them super cute lunches out of grilled boar :frowning:

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What about a human male hunter?

:flushed: Your mog would make any woman swoon

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What are you saying?!?! someone told me this was my ugliest armor!

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This has been discussed to death already in an Aviela thread.


no, thank you.

if anything the game needs less of RL things.

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Will you marry me?

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:gun: The cute survival hunter is MINE

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Okay, but every time you die in-game you gain an incurable debuff for 2 hours called Mourning Widow, also you’re divorced again

yep I just died laughing

Furry Chubby muscle chill guy with Big Muscle high temper warrior is inherently more appealing to Orcs, simple as… It’s a special kind of dynamic.

its one of a kind bromance…

imgur /yjFPwL6

I wouldn’t mind if this was added as long as it only added cosmetic things to the game.

Since we don’t have last names in this game. I would just suggest using an RP addon. Those seem to at least allow the player to have a last name and they could also possibly be updated to have a section for married to…

I am the angel of DEATH!!! Who wants to enter a life long bonding experience until I do part?


This thread should go well, GD always is super understanding, especially when it comes to things that may not interest them.

That said always down for more RP content even if I don’t partake.


so what you reaaallly want is even more people P off all the time.

My wife and I often play WOW as a team, one wife would be sufficient for me.


OMG, no it isn’t. Did you never take sociology, history, world religion, or anthropology? None of those? Marriage, both in its monogamous coupling respects and in its legal exchanges of property predate Christianity by literally thousands of years.

Marriage – the coupling of two human beings for childbearing, preservation of lineage, political maneuver, consolidation of power, and property transaction – is as old as humanity and has very little to do with religion. Religion governs how and when and why people within that faith get married, but marriage has been around and the norm of human experience since the literal dawn of mankind.

Edited to add: Almost forgot

No. Just…ew. I like the marriage systems in single-player RPGs because they make sense, but we have tremendous capacity for RP in WoW, and WoW marriage between players is already available and widely done. Putting a system on that? Ew. Just no.

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I dont know who is more edgy you or a Death knight lol

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Wanna help me lick all the swords in the Ebon hold?