Add ilvl Requirement to BGs

Why would you want longer que times?

There is already a split like this on honor level. Lower honor level people are in a different bracket but if they queue with someone with higher honor level they get put in the higher bracket.

They need to improve the scaling, by a lot. Then a split wouldn’t be necessary.

Maybe I haven’t seen anyone good at 400 ilvl. Not noticing much difference. And I’m not even 380 yet.

Yes the evil 120 twinks with their OP gear need to be banned from bgs!!!1111111111111111111111111111???


I do wish the math was transparent, because I have no idea how any of this work. There’s been some people with half my HP who were like gnats, and there’s been some that proved to be tougher. Do you know for sure that they are 380 or maybe they are 280.

I have a 323 ilvl, as Alliance.

Scaling works decently at 120.

1 KB 4 deaths and below the middle of the pack on damage as a balance druid?

That’s good?


Depends how it’s played.

You’re focusing on damage and deaths.


We control two carts most of the game. I played objectives , not to top damage.

Two of my deaths resulted in caps.

But my damage!


Well, in SSM it should be doing a ton of AoE damage since people stack in the circles. I doubt he was off soloing at that item level or it would have been more like 8+ deaths.

SSM is a tricky one for us. If there’s a bunch of melee being locked with them in a circle is usually bad news unless there’s CC’s and such. I’ve had some rough ones myself.

What is the point of your screenshots? Someone with low item level was on a team that won?

Take a gander at the title of this thread.

Drop ilvls, make the game like how it was, only the items mattered and did anything. Ain’t got no good items, then you ain’t good. There done, until you get better items, you just gotta take your butt being kicked.

It’s almost like how the game used to be. lol

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Not to mention, there was a 398 warrior who barely did better than you. And you were against a 4 man premade :joy:

LMAO, prove you didn’t just make this up.

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It’s true. There is a honor level 1-30 bracket and a 30+ bracket. If you are say, honor level 29 and group with someone honor level 100, the higher bracket is chosen.

Can you provide a source for that info?

Tbh, don’t think it’s documented anywhere. Just something that carried over from legion.

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