Add ilvl Requirement to BGs

Oh cute, you still think 1v1s never happen and never matter.

Also your screenshots are also cute, they show litterally nothing :roll_eyes: you had a couple low ilvl players and won? Woppity Doo… 10 of 10 of the entire team could have been undergeared. We have zero idea. Keep posting them as proof though.

Gear matters probably less than others say but definitely more than you say :joy:

Eh honestly just play objectives and you’ll win. Gear or no gear (gear helps of course :joy:). If that means you follow the team then follow the team. If that means you solo defend because your team is a bunch of monkeys, you solo defend.

I definitely won a few of my freshly geared human priest games because I solo defended nodes in AB until help could arrive. 1v1-1v2s until help arrived kinda thing… Won the ab by 100-200 points that we probably would have lost if the nodes got insta capped because everyone left. Definitely easier to do with gear but no reason not to with no gear. Just play smart.

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I’m all for it. People keep saying “But the queue times will be longer” And they’re right. They will be, for the people under ilvl 355. It takes what? 4 hours to get to ilvl 355+ on a new 120? Even now, you never get a game full of 100k HP players, it’s always 2, on a worse day 3. But these 3 players can be incredibly detrimental to a 10v10 game. But if these same players spent a few hours doing some WQs and Emissary quests then they would be viable. This splitting the queue would force them to be viable.

Also, this expansion isn’t over. The gap between max characters and fresh 120’s is only going to get wider.

but this isn’t a new issue, even back in vanilla a T3 warrior would 1 shot fresh 60s. the only time it has ever been safe to be a freshly capped player in random bgs is at the start of an expansion.

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No it wouldn’t, as people said, they would just maintain the minimum ilvl to stay in the lower bracket. The point of reaching max is to have gear progression.

Also alts aren’t as useless as people make them out to be. I have 6 120s and working on two more. I have never even come close to being one shot. I also have a 50% win rate or more on them all when I hit fresh max. Scaling is in effect, yes alts are weaker but not that much weaker.

I have several 120s, some weaker than others. But i don’t step foot into a BG unless I have at least 140HP. I have never been one shotted, but I have one shotted a few people. It doesn’t happen often, maybe once every 10 days or so. But that’s the lowest of the low, characters with 80k - 90k HP.

I should have taken a SS of someone complaining about them too. Point is teamwork matters more than gear. You even said that in your next post about solo defending on your fresh human priest.

If my team of avg ilvl 340 gear is working together as a team, and we are going against a team of avg ilvl 380 who are also working as a team then who wins?

The problem is, “Well if you know how to use your class you’ll be fine” well we are assuming this other guy with 230k HP DOESN’T know how to use his class. It’s easy to say Skill > Gear if we are assuming every ilvl 400 idiot is just using his auto attack. That’s not the case. Good luck rallying a bunch of 80k HP noobs to work together. If they had any sense, they wouldn’t have jumped straight into a BG once dinging.

First, there are never this many undergeared players on one team. And if you run into this often, please SS! I would love to see that many, game after game. Second, it would come down to who played objectives better. You’d be lying if you said both teams played exactly the same.

I think we also need to drop the fantasy of these 80k - 120k HP players being god mode PvPers. If they knew anything about max level PVP then they wouldn’t be queueing with such low HP pools.

I think we need to drop putting words in peoples mouths as well. No where did I say they were god mode pvpers, just that with the scaling in place they can keep up with their team. Like last night in SSM had a healer with something like 270s ilvl and they did almost as much healing as the 360s horde healers.

a 97k monk was 2nd on damage for most of an AV and dropped my 300k dk down to 40% health a few times forcing me to retreat, this was this morning.

That’s 100% within your rights to do. I’ve gone in to bgs with 300 ilvl and still won over 50% of my games (on my human priest at that so the “losing faction” :roll_eyes:). Now realistically people can hit 340 super easy and should wait but there is no way it should be required.

I’ve never been one shot and I’ve also never one shot anyone unless the had fc stacks or orb stacks or something, which don’t count. Scaling at 120 is honestly not terrible. Not legion levels but definitely not terrible.

Heals are fine. I’ve seen heals do very well in BGs, with the right amount of protection. If that healer gets targeted though, good luck keeping him alive.

But we keep doing this “Well if they know how to play and if they play objectives and if they use their cooldowns properly then they’ll do fine.”

Where do we draw the line? Skill > Gear yes, with a low gap. But no player with HP of 100k is going to beat me. Let’s even take 1v1 out of it. If I roll up with a couple players with an Average of 175k HP and we fight a group of 3 and one of them is a player with 100k HP they will lose 9 times out of 10. And the 1 time we lose is because the other 2 are strong enough to carry them.

A 170k HP player who knows their class is better than a 100k HP player who knows their class. You honestly can’t defend a player going into a BG under geared when literally 2 months ago you were defending twinks saying that players should BETTER gear their toons if they want to be viable in lower level PvP. This is the exact same thing.

Never said it didn’t. However to pretend that gear is irrelevant or that small skimrishes don’t exist or have an impact is also false.

Yup won 3-5 at 300 ilvl. The next week I got something like 8 peices of gear between warfronts/world bosses/wqs and jumped up to 370 ilvl (even got 2 of 3 right traits). Won 4 of 5 with the same play style. Solo defending nodes because people are monkeys and think team fights are everything :joy:

I was lucky to defend 1v2 pre gear and held out a few 1v3s solo defending with gear. The extra game 100% was thanks to the gear and solo defending the node. Rogue/hunter/mage. They were so tilted I’m sure, felt great :joy:

It was a random bg. Wow, chill out.

The worst part of random bgs aren’t your undergeared, underperforming teammates but the nerd raging trolls who choose to be jerks instead of offering constructive direction.


Exactly. I’d take undergeared determined players any day over geared incompetents who rage over everything :joy:

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No, it’s not the exact same thing at all. The players I was referring to actually had missing slots or white gear with no stats (may as well be missing) Also, there is scaling at max level, not low level.

Hardly scaling, and after the last patch the gear gap is much larger. People keep saying “if this” and “if that” when it comes to lower level people. They need to jump through a LOT of hoops just to be viable. But the simple fact remains, if they spent just a few short hours gearing their player they can be the difference between a winning team and a losing team. Skill is great, but it will only take you so far. When your skill gets you to your max, then you need the gear.

Okay. Meanwhile I’ll keep winning Bgs while low ilvl people are on my team and /eye roll at posts like those.