Add Faction Tagging in Normal Mode for Rares

The way faction tagging is now is beyond unfair for those of us in warmode and gives players in normal mode a HUGE advantage on hunting rares for quests, pets, mounts, toys, and zone currencies. This is not just a minor inconvenience that can be offset with an extra 20 gold for a world quest.

I spent over 30 min just to find ONE rare in Mechagon that I was able to attack. I then turned warmode off and was able to kill about 10 rares in about half that time without ANY competition whatsoever.

This has got to change!!!

Either remove faction tagging for warmode or add it normal mode. I don’t want to have to turn off warmode just to stay competitive with normies. Fix this.


lol, I think the original idea is for you to kill the enemy faction player tagging the rares first.

And I welcome anything that remove faction nonsense :rofl:.


Looks like you solved your own problem. :+1:t5:


So Warmode is more war-like? What’s the problem?


This feels like one of those issues that isn’t an issue.


It’s ironic that the PvP solution here was to disable PvP. :stuck_out_tongue:


Mob tagging in WoW has devolved to the point that it really doesn’t matter any more. So the very few places it still matters stand out like a sore thumb.

It wasn’t always like that, but now it is.

A casualty of the current system is that you no longer need to form groups to share progress for kill quests. Something that was quite common in the past, to group up for the added efficiency. The fact players are no longer trained to do this, grouping up out in the world, in turn makes it very hard to get people to accept group requests for other things. Like collect or zone style progress bar quests, rare hunting, or while going through quest chains.

The purpose of mob tagging in the past was as a teaching tool; to train players to group up and play together from the lowest of starting levels. They kinda gave up on that and just made it so anyone who hits a mob gets loot nowadays. Efficiency and streamlining aren’t always the best way to build a fun and engaging game.

Though it’s certainly a lot more efficient than it was in the past to get credit for stuff without grouping up.

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…I mean, warmode is always going to be unfair compared to normal mode. That’s, like, the whole premise of war mode, is that your goal is to make other people have as crappy a time as you possibly can.


I mean. Seems to me that the PVP solution here would be to kill the opposite faction players, then down the mob before they can rez and come back to do the same to you.


Thanks for the chuckle. Kill the opposing faction, isn’t that why you have warmode turned on? So you get a chance to pvp?

It’s hilarious a horde is whining about having to pvp with warmode on. We keep it off for good reason. We like to accomplish goals not pvp. What a hypocritical idea.

I can picture this tauren thug stamping his hooves in frustration and whining mommiy!


Sorry man, but I personally like the fact that rares are faction tagged. Similar to the other expansions. It’s fun swooping in and killing alliance players and stealing their rare. I’ve also had rares stolen from me by the alliance.

Personally, it’s very enjoyable.

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How is it unfair if you can just turn off WM?

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If you want people to group up, make the rares not soloable.
Make them hit like a truck, no DPS or healer or tank alone can handle it.
End of story.

BUT, we don’t have that many players out there (in a shard maybe :joy:). Sorry, we have to adapt.


Anyone else enjoying the irony that a horde isn’t getting what he wants in Warmode? You’re not even on an RP server where the Alliance bothers to field actual numbers.

no it doesn’t.

you can simply go turn off warmode if you want easy rare hunting. pretending otherwise is just dumb.

having faction tagging in warmode is fine, because you can kill the guy and take his rare.

in non-warmode, that route isn’t available to us. thus, no faction tagging.



It’s unfair that I have to change modes in order to be viable in completing daily quests. Normal mode should not be a place where it’s much easier to finish achievements and zone progress. Adding faction tagging to normal mode would at least even that out.

By “normal” mode you realise you’re talking about PvE mode, right? It should definitely be harder in PvP mode.

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No, content should not be harder in warmode. The only thing that should change is that we can fight each other. In this case the content is made easier since there is no competition for rares in normal mode. This is an unfair advantage that needed to be leveled out.

Kill Alliance. Kill mob. ??? Turn in quest.

That’s the PvP experience you wanted. You are at war with the opposing faction. Non WM with tagging would be open to griefing - an alliance with an AoE like Consecrate or Death and Decay camping the spawn and locking the Horde out of killing it, with no option like PvP to remedy the issue.

There’s a PvP solution to PvP problem, and it’s a non issue in PvE, where we don’t want to fight each other and just want to quest in peace.