Add Faction Tagging in Normal Mode for Rares

You are fighting each other for control of the map. That’s PvP. You’re competing with the other faction.

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Actually, you are incorrect. You get credit for every mob you tag, even if it’s just a tiny hit from an AoE. It’s still more efficient to group because you can cover more physical area for more tags but shared tagging is great especially if there’s an OP geared player running around and your character has a cheap and easy AoE or instant to tag with.

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There’s a great solution for you: turn off WM.

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Or you could kill the other faction and take their rares like war mode intended.

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The reason they have it is because you are supposed to be killing one another on WM, not working together to farm the rares… You are clearly on WM for the wrong reason.

Turn war mode off. Problem fixed.
You’re welcome.


Alternatively you could turn off warmode when engaging in such activities.

I don’t see how choice creates an advantage that requires correcting.

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“You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Things my grandma use to say.

You seriously want something that promotes wpvp in warmode removed? Yea, that’s gonna go over like a lead zeppelin.

Actually, it is. Carebearing around the world is exactly the mode where everything is easy to accomplish.

Sounds like you’re turning WM on only for the bonuses. Just like those pesky Alliance players.

This is why Thunderbluff is going to burn :fire:

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There are more people in normal mode than warmode. I took me over 30 min in normal mode to find a rare in Nazjatar yesterday and I still don’t think I finished that quest on my main (was going to try this morning).

Yeah, nah-- We don’t need it in Normal mode. WM is supposed to be about the faction war. Faction tagging is fine in WM.

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No thank you.


They should make it even more difficult and inefficient to do anything in warmode to flush out all the PVE players who don’t want to PVP, but enable it for all the bonuses.

That solution is simple. Bonuses scaled on the amount of opposition faction players you’ve killed the previous day.

This has become a problem in pve actually. I’ve been in groups on rare mobs where people run by and tag it and keep going. Every time a person hits the mob it’s health increases. Kinda a jerk move to do that. It’s fine to multitag in the same general area but you should stick around and help kill the mob.

So you see alliance attacking a rare with warmode on and you don’t attack them? Why do you have warmode on? Is it just for the bonus with out the associated penalties that justify the bonus?

How about you just turn off warmode for these rares? Why ask for other peoples fun to be curbed because YOU had a hard time? That makes no sense.

  1. Find some friends
  2. Find rare
  3. Kill opposing faction/kill mob
  4. Profit???

Listen, I wasn’t going to attack an alliance raid group by myself, when the rares were already almost dead. They were farming rares and there weren’t many horde in that shard at the time. I wasted a lot of time trying to find a rare with no luck. If there were no faction tagging, then I could have easily tagged the rares and take my chances surviving the mass attack. I turned off WM and killed many rares with no issue.

Oh heck no… bad idea

Its usually around 30 alliance locus type killing everything with 2-3 horde… if i couldnt join on on a group of those locus then id never get to kill a rare for quests

Sharding suks

I don’t really consider this an issue. Most are easy enough to solo, extra health doesn’t really matter in the long run. And rares are a 1 and done thing. It’s not like pre-tagging changes where one geared Mage tagged every mob in ~30 yards instantly for however long he hung out in that spot.

Also, if that does make it more challenging, that just makes it more fun. Mindless rotation spamming with no challenge other than the time to kill isn’t engaging.

Check the group finder for Rare Farming WM on groups, get a Horde dominant shard, profit.

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