I’m glad to see Blizzard listening with regard to Soar. Huge win all around. Now I’d like to see them address the other controversial decision made with Dracthyr - their lack of transmog options. Two and a half slots is not satisfactory.
If they can’t open it up entirely, I think it entirely reasonable to unlock more barbershop choices when completing an ostensibly bespoke Evoker tier set.
I’m tired of my only two options being “draconic regal” and “nude exhibitionist.”
As a reminder, here’s a mock up of how they could have looked if transmog had more options:
Should they add them to druid forms too?
I certainly wouldn’t be opposed, but that’s not what I’m advocating for here. That being said, it makes infinitely more sense to have transmog available on a new humanoid race that already wears armour than it does for a bear.
Also, Druids are getting customization unlocks in the barbershop by doing content. They’re already ahead of Dracthyr in that regard.
Only time will tell. They will either make them mog like Worgens or just add more tunics etc like druids. Will see.
Well, they said they are using AI to fit helmets to players.
Can they use that AI to just skip the barbershop option and give us normal Tmog options?
I can accept the feet, hands and back not being done but the rest should have been.
That’s the ideal, but it is apparently a big ask.
I don’t think it unreasonable to seek a middle ground - adding only pieces that are designed specifically for the race, and implementing it in a way that doesn’t conflict with the currently offered barbershop options.
Yea, 100% class tier sets should fit the class.
If they can’t do it the normal way then it should have been done via barbershop.
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Yep. And they overtly said that this limitation was a choice they made - not a technical hurdle.
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I still yearn for this.
And not to be the “Blizz promised!” guy, but Ion did say that they would be able to do more for Evoker transmog with their class sets. Whatever that meant never panned out, unfortunately.
Ion very rarely comments on anything other than the content being developed in the immediate future. He wasn’t answering questions about anything other than Dragonflight 10.0 at the time. It didn’t materialize at launch. I was, and am, very disappointed.
Granted, anything is possible in the future. But when Ion says that, he means to say “There are no immediate plans, but I don’t want to crush your dreams.” But he didn’t use that line. Which meant that there were plans for something back then.
I was hoping they’d do this when they first announced the dragon form wasn’t going to be able to wear armor. I still hope they do.
Or at the very least let me separate the transmogs between my visage and dragon form so i can wear what i want without having to worry about matching my belt, shoulders, and tabard to the dragon armor. This half-measure is like the worst of both worlds.
The first is the class fantasy I was hoping for, the second is the class fantasy we have at home.
Haven’t heard them say anything about Soar. What are they gonna do?
I really hope this is a sign of their intentions. I get that it’s probably difficult to do, but our options are seriously terrible right now.
I’d happily accept plastered-on textures just to get a little colour coordination.
I am semi ok with my fellas having cool shoulders paired up with their barbershop armor, however I have been wanting AT LEAST more barbershop options since they came out. If they reaaaalllly want to stick to the lack of real transmog armor, they should at least give us a lot more barbershop options…different styles, colors etc. They have some really cool customization options…then it’s hurt by the lack of transmog or barbershop options. 
It’s getting all the dragonriding perks. Maybe a lower cooldown, but nothing too clear on that front yet.
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My assumption was that Evoker transmog would work by applying only the floaty bits - not the paint-on textures. I assumed wrong. 
If they’re going to be absolutely insistent on using the barbershop to provide an equitable transmog experience… the experience needs to be equitable. It simply is not sufficient at present.