Adaptive Armor Fragment


So I have upgraded all of my mainspec (mistweaver) conduits to 252 except the Adaptive Armor Fragment (which is at 239 thanks to a wonderful raid drop). Yes, that includes all the other universal ones.

Issue is, I attempted to use a codex to upgrade the Adaptive Armor Fragment, and it tells me that I have no conduits for my spec left to upgrade.

Perhaps it’s not flagged properly, even though I can use it as a mistweaver?

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adaptive armor fragment is a tank conduit. DPS classes (rogues/mages/warlocks/hunters) don’t get that conduit.

You need to be in Brewmaster spec when you use upgrade items for that conduit.

Adaptive armor fragment is also a healer conduit. I have the same exact problem on my holy paladin. Glad to see it’s definitely a problem besides just me.

I’m also having this same issue as Havoc Demon Hunter. I use this conduit, but it won’t upgrade. I’m assuming it may be upgradable if I were in Vengeance spec, but I don’t want to have to roll the dice and hope it’s the one that gets upgraded, and even then - I’d have to wait to upgrade most of my other tanking conduits before I could have a chance at getting it to 252.

Please fix this Blizzard.

And just to clarify - this conduit is NOT listed as Vengeance only (as demon hunter). It is listed as a common conduit on the conduit selection screen.

This needs to be addressed.

It shows up in the generic category because it is for all tank classes. The spec specific tags only works for conduits that are specific to a class and spec. If you do want this one you will need to switch specs to tank to get it.

Also have this issue on Dh, tried both tank and dps spec. Having same issue as described

Have this issue as a Holy Paladin. I put in a ticket about it because I was like “what gives”? and at first I did receive the answer that it is supposed to be a tank conduit. This GM then suggested that I switch to Prot in order to get it to upgrade.

My response was:
“Ok but hang on, if it’s for tanks why does it say it increases my Intellect? And do you mean to say that I have to swap to Prot to potentially upgrade a dozen other conduits before I get lucky and have this one upgrade, and do it again for 252? And why then is the Condensed Anima Sphere not considered a tank conduit?”

I then received this response:
“I do have a similar issue myself as a Warrior, when all my 3 spec conduits have been upgraded to 226 by using Soultwining Crescent, Adaptive Armor Fragment was still present as ilvl 213, but it turns to 226 a few days later.”

It was suggested to put in a bug report and follow this thread for updates, so here I am.

Hope this helps.

Just wanted to add that there are now multiple threads of the same issue:

I really think this needs more attention at this point. As mentioned earlier, I think it’s preposterous to switch to a spec you don’t use to potentially upgrade a dozen other conduits to 239 (thanks, RNG) and then do it again for 252 when there is no indication that this conduit is intended for tanking. And if it IS intended for tanking, I would argue that the Condensed Anima Sphere, which DID upgrade properly for me, could be considered a tank conduit as well.

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