Actually... we have non green orcs warlocks ever since wod

This is not something recent… there are many npcs that we kill that are warlocks and their skin is not green as the fel corruption the lore suggests.
In the legion order hall we see Ritssyn Flamescowl one member of the black harvest, and he is not green either.


I’ve been trying to say for a while that being a Warlock does not change skin color or it would for all Warlocks. It’s probably not enough exposure.


Rittsyn is grey with literal green flames around his face, and furthermore he died for a bit. Probably doesn’t have a lot of color in general. He’s not a red-skinned maghar.


Now if only there were gray-skinned Maghar orcs like Shattered Hand or Blackrock or something.

Maghar being brown and only brown was an Outland thing, PC Maghar are AU Draenor orcs. Red orcs are the super demon blood juicers.


It’s supposed to for Orcs:

However, with the exception of the isolated Mag’har, their bodies reacted to their exposure to warlock magic once it was introduced by Gul’dan. All orcs with warlocks in their clan found their skin slowly turning green before they were ever offered the blood of the demon Mannoroth.[98]

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No, blood of mannoroth did that, not being Warlocks. They drank the blood of a big demon, lol.

I literally just linked you factual lore. From the canon novel. Here’s the ENTIRE explanation if you need it:


Well even with that, we somehow have brown Orcs who are Warlocks and every other races that is not green when they are Warlocks, so it makes no sense. It comes from Rise of the Horde anyway. And some random lore in a book is not the same as the game apparently.

Which is why I said…

Because they aren’t Orcs.

It’s canon lore. They’re just ignoring it. As usual.

I have no clue why you’re arguing with me.


Which still makes no sense. Since they said during Legion (the same time this book would have been released) that it was the level of fel they were exposed to, not something special with their race. So that’s conflicting lore.

Then it’s no longer canon, which is no biggie because it’s one book from 2016 by Christie Golden, and not anything in game.

I’m not sure why. They’re an alien species with skin that reacts to Fel. What’s the problem?

I’m not finding anything that says that in my reading.

Because you say so? LOL okay. I’m done. This is a ridiculous conversation. I toss out some lore that shows they’re ignoring their own lore and you make a big fuss over it, while not even reading what I posted.

Not worth my time.


Pretty much all lore is weird. Garrosh had Warlocks practicing their dark magic right under his feet for how many years and he did not turn even slightly green despite lore saying all orcs changed by the mere presence of warlock magic so if we were using exact wordage of Lore as Law, Garrosh should have been Green.

There is likely a lot that is not clarified as to why they turned green (maybe warlocks slipping some fel juice into their daily lives?) until the demon blood made them extra green.

Because they have brown Orc Warlocks in game and will have player characters the same way.

They said it when they mentioned about Blood Elf eyes. Why our’s wear off and the Orcs’ skin does not.

How is it ridiculous? Retcons in fiction happen all the time. And this was likely a retcon of a retcon. Because it was newer, and then ignored. So whatever is newest is their lore. It’s their IP. They establish what is canon.

And I’d rather they keep it all in game. Not in books, movies, tv, interviews. That way it’s kept more straight.

We at least know now what their position is on it.

Man I wish the red fel orcs were the AR for orcs instead of AU maghar.

This way warlocks and DH would fit perfectly.

The AU maghar recruitment could have been just unlocking brown skins for orcs. Similar to undead belves.

This is irrelevant to me giving info on how it used to be. But all you want to do is argue something I was never arguing. All I did was toss out information you didn’t read, then bicker about.

I don’t care what’s going on right now. I just gave how it was originally simply for background information. Not to have some nonsensical argument.

(Edited for me being a jerk.)

I think it’s more that they’re just doing what they want without caring if it sticks to any previous explanations. It’s the “cool factor.”

I did read it. I said it wasn’t so. Wasn’t true in game. I don’t care what a novel from Christie Golden in 2016 says, the game conflicts it, lol.

You don’t have to get insulting just because I said it wasn’t relevant to what is going on now. Maybe get some comprehension skills of your own and you’d realize I was saying that book lore gets ignored and retcons have happened.

It’s not you it’s them

I’m yet to see a Pink Orc Warlock


Always the goofy ahh female BEs saying this “blizzard said so, deal with it” :skull::skull::skull: