Nice jab. I answer a question, they bicker over it and I’m the problem. Sorry we had a disagreement and you thought it was a good idea to make snide comments. Real mature.
You are human, I am human. Blizz’s lore is their own.
Yeah and i can tell what kind of humans you are based on your responses and its kinda sad
It’s not even that you’re right or wrong it’s that you are very hostile.
Yeah, the humans that put brown Orc Warlocks in game in WoD and now for player characters. Oh the humanity!
Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Haha, they have a very long history of that! Their Rogue, Druid, and now Lizard are chock full of examples! They get supper aggressive, angry, insulting, and then proceed to act innocent and clutch their pearls, haha!
Thanks for your post and have a great day!
I’m a paladin. But I can tell by my color
Literally nothing I said was hostile. I’d suggest learning the difference between blunt and hostile. There was no personal attacks until you. Keep that in mind.
No you are definitely hostile and insulting when people don’t agree with you. And about one book that no one cares about too.
I didn’t even make an argument. You’re the one that wanted to bicker. All I did was give you info and said how it was supposed to be. Nowhere did I say that’s how it had to be or is now. You chose to turn it into an argument. I even explained three times now that it’s lore they just ignored. But you STILL had to argue about it for some reason.
Why do you think I had to bold my explanations a few times? Because you either aren’t understanding or just want to argue to argue.
None of that is hostile. It’s facts of the conversation. You chose to get upset. Not me.
^ Is rude and insulting. Just so you know Rhielle/Thallia.
That was not meant to be rude or insulting. You just seemed to not understand what I was saying. I’ll word it better next time. My apologies.
But speaking of rude and insulting… Y’all need to stop calling me by a name I no longer identify with. Please.
Whatever you say but I would go back and read what you said and see if it’s appropriate.
Please see the comment above yours. Apology was given, I’ll attempt to do better next time.
Oh i’m actually really proud of you. I don’t mean that in a condescending way. You’re good people.
We all have them
this entire conversation could of been clearer with
constant exposure too fel changes the skin tone, just look at Fel Elves from BC, the orcs didnt turn green from blood, but from constant exposure from fel magics, which the warlocks constantly kept using in high quantities.
warlocks themselves will likely hide the corruption they most likely use, due to the fact that in societies, they too are hated, be it from human, to orc, to the new classes n so on.
Wowpedia said it took “several years” for orc skin to turn green after being exposed to fel.
So how long is “several years?” I know it’s more than two but beyond that
He uses the Dragonmaw Orc skin. Not Mag’har. And they’re corrupted Orcs.
this is also including that they were more likely open about using fel magic before thralls horde became a thing.