Actually Having Fun?

I feel this is a sin to even say about WoW, but it’s true. I’m actually having a good time in this event… What about you all?


nope im not


I’m having fun. Kinda wondering how ridiculous some specs get when the cloak is powered up.


I bet you never do so it’s okay


2h Frost DK feels actually really decent.

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Im having a great time, wife is getting to fill out her roster as well.

A Warrior with Charges, Heroic Leap, and Roll seems perfectly balanced. If you know the spell already, you get an extra Heroic Leap or Roll.


They need more mobility

Not really…its just questing in mop and some goofy gems. I’m only lvl 15 so im not far into it so i can only base it off what ive done so far. Im hoping it picks up

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You LOAD UP on goofy gems eventually. I think it’s great.


banned for having fun


I’m actually having a great time. Already loved Mists, this is even more fun.


I think the event is well done from a competency standpoint, but personally, I’ve always found leveling boring and trying to dress it up with gimmicks doesn’t help that much.

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I actually am, yes. lol

The pessimistic part of my brain couldn’t help but think:

… this ^ before I started playing. But after actually playing … I don’t know, something about it is really enjoyable. :joy:

Maybe it’s the Bronze system or the stress-free way we can use gems and not worry about wasting things. Maybe it’s not having to worry about the little micro-tedious things that are in a normal playthrough (not having flying for awhile / being slow, having to make gold, having to send bags over, having to level professions, etc. etc.).

Ya know, never having to give that stuff a second thought just frees us up to get out there and go, and that’s … kind of liberating in an unexpected way. lol


I’m kinda bored tbh, I might find another game to occupy me until TWW.

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Oh yeah. Thoroughly enjoying remix.

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There’s something really chill about the remix Im enjoying. Trying out some classes and specs Ive never played before. And having heroic leap on survival hunter is fun as heck.


I have to work in about 25 minutes. …that means I have to stop playing this. I am sad panda.

(yes, I’m having fun)


I had high hopes for this and ultimately it’s actually exceeding my expectations!

I haven’t had a game make me feel downright giddy in a long time. It’s a great feeling. :upside_down_face:

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Spec balance it’s not a goal for remix. At max level being Uber powerful with a lot of choice on what extra abilities you find fun seems to be the goal

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