Actually Having Fun?

I am having lots of fun. I kinda hope this is like a testing ground and some of these crazy gems get put into retail at some point.


Flying around this morning collecting bronze orbs floating in the air while questing keeps me busy.

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I don’t want balance. I like running around doing crazy stuff as an unstoppable demigod.


Having a blast!

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I’m having fun. The only disappointment so far for me is not having my farm at Halfhill :frowning:


noppers… it was great in ptr … they tricked us once again… MY goal was to make a fire mage , level it up to 70 and then transition it into the tww… well that not going to work at this pace… mages die in 2 seconds, had to change to a demo warlock which is better…and I may make a shaman… just for the heck of it …but yeah … its not a great as they made it out to be … more false and misleading promises as usual, lvl gates gem gates upgrade gates everything is gated again break thru one wall they put up another etc…


I legit am having fun with it! It’s fun that I basically mow down any mobs I come across. Super duper fun!


I’m having a great time. I’m also not in any super rush to complete everything ASAP, I’m just enjoying the experience and aiming for cool collectibles. Whatever max level alts I have at the end of this, cool.

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I never got to do mop questing and I’m loving it super chill, enjoying shadow priest a lot just bursting things down and never even getting low is great

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I came back to WoW to give this a try as I more or less skipped Mists when it was first released.

It’s fun zipping around and feeling overpowered. I’m going to get some classes to 70 I’ve liked but not enough to level up normally.

I can totally see this wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. Nor do I think this should replace Chromie-time as the way to level normally. Remix would absolutely make the WoW new player experience even more confusing than it already is.

But as an occasional remix (I said the thing!) of old content for existing players to get some goodies and have a metric expletive tonne of fun, it’s perfect IMNSHO.

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I am, but I really liked MoP.

We’ll see if my tune changes when I try to start trying to join PuGs for normal raids…

Sure am.

I loved MoP when it was current and this remix is cool. Can’t wait to get my new character to level 35 so I can go to Dread Wastes. It’s my favorite zone and I love the Klaxxi!

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Same, my missing farm/professions are the only complaint I have. Without that content i feel the population will fall off fast once most players get the items they want. Hopefully they add professions before the event is over, because I miss luck potions.

The event sucks. They made it seem like your character would be op, zooming around, leveling really fast. It just feels like normal WoW except you can only play on Pandaria. Kind of a snooze fest imo.


I was having fun playing last night. Can’t wait to get back into it tomorrow.

I think it’s a much more fun mode than SoD honestly. I don’t really have a reason to level many alts so I won’t play it that long but it’s a fun side-mode.


Lmao right. People live being bitter.

Its all right.
Im enjoying the experience for the most part.
only issue so far are issues with high population and poor quest respawn. :frowning: having to wait for things to respawn because someone else grabbed them all before i could.

The leveling is too slow and managing an inventory of 100 gems isn’t any fun. Also, there’s a bug when trying to change armor and remove its gem.

It’s not playing how it was advertised or shown by streamers in the PTR. I don’t know what Blizz was thinking.

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Yeah, this. Maybe there’s some giant bug and it’s supposed to be like this? I dunno. The whole time “running” part, it’s more like crawling.