"Actual" CC changes will make ppl want to PvP

I disagree. I think you are just being dramatic. But you’re entitled to your opinion. If the game is lacking healers, its because of neverending, overlapping CC that makes it almost impossible to do our job as we watch our ppl die.

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The question on my mind is why does it feel like CC chains are so detrimental if there is less overall CC time in the game… are people chaining it better? because I doubt they are cooperating, esp in Shuffle… personally I try to setup my own chains and “carry” thus :slight_smile: but yeah I getchya… there are reasons I never heal lol

edit: but I do think burst damage needs to be toned down a bit somehow, overall

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Haha ya, I think the ppl that are still pvping these days have got the chains down. Its super sadface from a healer perspective

I also think playing against the same multi rank 1s at 1900 (shuffle) greatly contribues to the problem… these players are not your average player, they know their stuff and can even watch drs and coordinate without voice coms :open_mouth: hehe
so hopefully things will be easier for us casuals once the MMR cap is lifted…

aside from the fact that this isn’t even close to as bad as it was in MoP, for example

i really do sympathize with healers, but reducing CC even further is not a healthy solution for the game


I agree for the most part. I am not talking about reducing duration. Im more talking about different 5 sec CC’s that don’t currently DR being stacked into 15 sec lockouts. Im not talking about say, reducing the sheep duration each time you cast it. Or clone. Its the stacking that’s getting extreme when facing players of skill

you’re indirectly calling for more CC duration reduction when you call for more abilities to share DRs or for flat CC immunity after getting hit with 3 CCs

without higher damage, every game goes into deep dampening and no one wants that

With what im suggesting, you can still get 8 sec CC chains for kills. My view would require more skill from the player regarding timing and CC use due to DR limitations, as opposed to just being able to arbitrarily lock out players with no extreme effort or real consequences

Ppl die within 5 secs…thats how strong dps is atm. Faster vs. some comps. So when you combine this with 10-15sec CC windows = healers throwin their hands up, not wanting to play

edit: and new ppl feeling the same

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so mage/warlock/druid can’t poly/fear/clone even twice in a row which seems awful

you can argue about fast clone, and you can argue about demo/mage damage but the biggest skill difference between good and bad mages/locks is their ability to control a game with their CC and you want to reduce that because… you think it would increase skill required? you understand the probable majority of CC currently is used to stop dps goes or peel ook ook melee, right? how would you alter how DH/WW/War/Ret play the game because they have minimal CC and can basically just train things while doing their PvE rotation

and that’s more or less the point here- you think your change would benefit healers. in actuality, it would actually create an environment where melee can do whatever they want whenever they want to whoever they want which 100% doesn’t increase the skill ceiling, it reduces it

should just make healers immune to CC and your teammates shouldnt die until you go out of mana

Ya, that’s what I’m talking about…the most ridiculous extreme is what I mean by finding a middle ground.

i dont want a middle ground.
Sitting cc is boring. Nobody wants to sit cc. Just make healers immune to it so more people are willing to heal.

Your middle ground wont make people play healer. Just let people be immune to cc on healing specs

How does a 8-sec CC chain suddenly make it impossible to stop goes? Not many other classes have the ability to spam CC like sheep and fear, and must rely on their teammates to chain. Mages and locks would still have the ability to be CC monsters

I find it funny that people always say “There aren’t healers” “we need more healers!” etc etc, but then when a healer makes a suggestion on how it would be more fun for them, these same DPS either rating shame them or say “no, don’t change that!”

The problem with healing, and what makes it unfun, is constant CC chains. If that isn’t fixed, healers aren’t going to play. Enjoy long queue times.


Your words. That’s not what I’m suggesting though. 8 sec max CC windows would still require the healer to be CC aware and worry about positioning.

thank you =)

It isnt fun to sit 8 second cc chains tho… you just said your dps die in under 5 seconds… 8 second cc is crazy. I agree with the shaman…just make healers immune to cc so people actually heal.

I mean…I don’t hattteee the idea…but can you imagine the outrage I’d get if i suggested it? I do think dampening concerns are relevant too. Dampening games suck

ye nah i can’t do this lmao

so far today we’ve had someone argue that MMR should be account wide, two clowns argued that RSS should have a 2v2 bracket that banned healers and tanks, and now this

the cluelessness is so abundant today and it’s actually tiresome

at the end of the day, not only are suggestions like this bad for the overall health of the game, but you smug Elmer’s enjoyers think that we are suffering because 1100 healers won’t que up due to being CC’d “too much.”

you know what i’m in agreement with the 2v2 clowns let’s make a 2v2 RSS bracket and ban healers from queing


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