Please OMG no.
Part of me believes that if SE decide to sell, it would be to Nintendo or Sony, since they are both Japan based companies.
On the other hand, business is business and they would go with the biggest offer.
I’m pretty sure your first assessment was correct. They would stick with a Japan based model.
Good lord, could you imagine the number of figurines with qr codes that nintendo would have to make if they bought them? the next Zeldaskyrim mashup game would have endless physical dlc and therefor loot!
Executives on seeing Emanu’s post:
Excellent create a “Japanese new year’s day” mount and we’ll start with it.
I don’t want this to happen, not one bit.
I hope if someone buys them out it’s someone they can throw resources to FF14 to get Blizzard off their asses.
I hate amiibos with a burning passion. It pains me to know they even exist and that people willing buy them.
THAT’S what they’re called, thank you. I couldn’t for the life of me remember.
Yes. And you’re right that Nintendo would make a few hundred of them for every FF character that ever existed. Nintendo is drooling over the possibility of getting the rights to Cloud and Lightning.
Square if operating like blizzard would be so sad and that’s most likely the first change that would happen the couacasion with Square fans would end immediately would go from great to zero and mmos like ff14 would probably start having content droughts and subpar kickouts on content would also probably see silly ideas cross over like a ff14 token!!!
Don’t you like being milked for a new call of duty?
How dare you
Or Square Enix, if they have a passion for the games, can just turn down the buyout. No?
At least that’s what i would do if i have a game studio and some multi-billion dollar company come up to me and said “we want to buy you so you can work under us”.
They shot that down.
April 16, 2021
(Code: 9684, Tokyo Stock Exchange)
Representative: Yosuke Matsuda, President and Representative Director
Contact: Takashi Kiryu, General Manager of Corporate Strategy Division
Tel. (03) 5292-8000
Today’s Media Coverage
Bloomberg has reported today that there is interest from several buyers to acquire Square Enix.
However, this report is not based on any announcement by SQUARE ENIX HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
We do not consider selling off the company or any part of its businesses, nor have we received any
offer from any third party to acquire the company or any part of its businesses.
And people wonder how stupid rumors get spread.
Same thing that happened to Blizzard.
Dude, you keep going on and on about people getting milked – in three different threads now? (Maybe just two.) Being “milked” clearly is something that sticks in your craw. You’ve told me your not trolling so I believe you.
If that bothers you so much, why not unsub? Remember: Blizzard can’t milk you without your cooperation.
Should I be worried whether you believe me or not?
Blizzard got all excited…for a moment.
Square Enix then laughs and gaffaws
Nope. You didn’t answer the question, however. Another pivot.
Again should I be worried about what you think?