Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

“men are pigs” is different than “some men are pigs”

just as

“women are liars” is different than “some women lie”

You’re arguing with people saying that it’s best not to rush to judgment by insulting them and telling them that they can’t get laid lol.

As we agree, that’s your prerogative, but don’t expect to be taken seriously by anyone who doesn’t already share your obvious bias.



Now who’s misquoting? Where did I say “men are pigs?”

Let’s summarize the facts here:

You’re wrong, dumb, blinded by your ignorance, bias and 55 IQ

I am right, a genius, and have the clarity of God.

Seems clear to me.

I’m sorry Bodicca, I did misquote you. You didn’t say “men are pigs” you said “most men are pigs”

I humbly apologize.

Let me restate my prior post:

“most men are pigs” is different than “some men are pigs”

just as

“most women are liars” is different than “some women lie”


The well developed social skills of many gamers is on clear display in this thread.


In an era where twitter hashtags govern everyone’s perceptions, it’s very, very coincidental that all the allegations just so happen to fall on men.

Not saying they’re false allegations. Just saying its very coincidental.

It was formed as a question meaning this is the implication I got from the poster.

But I’ll accept your apology and likewise I apologize for attributing someone else’s comment to you.

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In my own experience I have found that it is usually men that try to disguise bullying as humor.

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Isn’t 80% of their work force male? The odds are in their favor lol.

Well you’re not funny while bullying every man in this thread. Be a better man.

Well, I guess that clinches it, then.

I am a professional detective, judge and part time superhero. I can definitively decide the case here and now and put this to rest.

Blizzard is beyond a shadow of a doubt guilty. Pig dog men are disgusting and should be shot. Kill all men now.

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Most often women do it with gossip.


Lots of experts in this thread taking a side despite not having seen a shred of evidence related to the case.


I’m not claiming that Blizzard is innocent, or that they don’t have a “toxic gamer” culture. I doubt any of us have the facts to make any claim either way with certainty.

I do find it unlikely that it’s a rampant or institutional culture in Blizzard. Blizzard is foremost a large corporation, and these large corporations have vast HR departments that are usually keenly sensitive to these types of issues.

Going in for your corporate day job as a female employee at Blizzard is likely much different than a woman going down to the local game store to try and play a game of warhammer with the local neckbeards.


I just picture Ralph Wiggum with a finger up his nose saying, “The TV told me…”

Expect some of it to be internal company communication, formal and informal (personal emails, memos, etc.) Under discovery, the person/company being sued can be required to turn over anything.

I’m sure Activision-Blizzard feels better knowing people like you will support them.

It was a 2 year investigation, you clown. If they found nothing, I doubt they would be filing suit.

I’ll take men who have no clue about boundaries and professionalism for $1000

Men commit the vast, vast majority of sex crimes. I don’t think it’s coincidence that most accusations are directed at men.


Not saying anyone is guilty before trial but…

Imagine giving even a shred of “benefit of the doubt” to a company that has treated its playerbase as poorly as blizzard. It’s borderline Stockholm Syndrome