Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

The 1960s called asking for you. They want their sexism back. You should probably think about how you phrase your opinions before posting them here.

Just tryin’ to help you out.


That’s the rub though, in the absence of anything else you’re left only with the documentation and testimony. Facts are going to be treated in the light most favorable to the non-moving party so if, for example:

  • Lone employee identifies herself as the woman in ¶ 40.
  • Lone employee testifies that what she said is correct to the best of her personal knowledge
  • Records indicate that male employees she thought got promoted over her were not in fact hired later
  • Records indicate that male employees were just as micromanaged because all of that supervisor’s subordinates made complaints about how involved the supervisor was
  • Other employees testify that the supervisor was a jerk about petty things to everyone and it was especially bad if he was having a bad day

None of this renders the alleged facts in ¶ 40 as strictly false, but rather it properly contextualizes them into something that isn’t actionable. Being a jerky supervisor that clashes with his subordinates regularly is not a problem. Hostile work environments have to be predicated on some suspect classification, not just generally hostile. This was the easiest thing to dismiss in all my cases, because plaintiffs couldn’t help themselves explaining how and why leadership was just GENERALLY SUPER BAD. That undoes the entire case when you claim that stuff, and it is so easy to elicit that kind of response on cross.

Again, pure tripe. This just creates a completely unfalsifiable set of “facts” to deal with. If the men were harsh to women, proof of misogyny. If the women were also just as hard to women, proof of internalized misogyny.

There’s no defeater, so it is just tripe.

Point out anything I’ve said that’s sexist.


Outside of these forums… people do seem to be pretty universally appalled at the allegations. Its sad, on a number of levels. I’ve personally known many of their employees over the years since they built their office here, so it’s sad to find out this was something they were dealing with professionally over the years. No one should have to chose between receiving the paycheck you depend on and being humiliated and abused 40 hours a week…

The original Orcs and Humans was one of the first PC games I ever played and since I’ve played Blizz games more than any other company’s and tbh its not even remotely close… And while it seems like a small thing compared to the human cost its also disheartening knowing this won’t be good for those games. This won’t be good for WOW, it won’t be good for Hearthstone, and it won’t be good for the new Diablo game. You’re already starting to feel the effects on some level, and Blizzard is doing themselves no favors with their canned legal response. As a gamer and just a human it’s hard to look at any of this and not be just generally disheartened


Grow up.

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Wow such hate, get ahold of yourself buddy. I wont be getting divorced anytime soon, and I wouldnt wish those types of things on you. Toxic imho.

Also my wife is a feminist and we enjoy talks about these subjects. Leads to interesting realizations sometimes. Unlike any conversation I’ve had on these forums lol.

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I am, which is why “internalized misogyny” is pure tripe, especially how you used it here. It isn’t something any Court is going to recognize or care about because you’re trying to bring to the forefront the private thoughts and TrueReasons™ someone does something which is so speculative that it doesn’t matter.


They’re doing themselves a large favor with their canned legal response. It would be a supremely bad move to go on the record and get into specifics before they even answered in court.

Their response was textbook. There was nothing wrong or telling about it.


If the claims being made have merit they will be decidec in court. Or do you just automatically believe everything you read on the Internet?

Blizzard has about 5000 employees and I have no doubt there are instances of bad behavior. I’m just as sure there are bogus complaints. Fortunately there is a system to sort that out and it isn’t a video game forum :wink:


Are you serious? This isnt something “i read on the internet.” This was a release from the California DFEH concerning a 2 year investigation…


Yes, I’m serious. It stil needs to be litigated in court. Lots of investigations, sometimes by state entities, turn up enough evidence to justify digging deeper. But proving a hostile work environment in court is a different. If it doesn’t go to court then there wasn’t enough solid evidence, if it does then the court will determine the veracity of the evidence provided.

Heck, even indictments by a Grand Jury are not proof of guilt, really just recommendations as to whether or not there is enough evidence to go forward.

The point being it is usless to litigate issues like this in a video game forum. If it isn’t just a few bad actors, rather than a company culture, that will come out in the suit, or not.

P.S. Or, more likely, just be settled since that is often cheaper than taking it to court and often what the plantiffs (or their lawyers) are after.


Yea exactly. Which is why we get to litigate it in the court of public opinion, because the reailty is we WONT likely ever get to see most of the details. But dismissing it like it’s just “something going around on the internet” or “a couple bad actors” is revealingly disingenuous. I’d guess there’s a reason you’re pushing that narrative… and its not very flattering

Is powerful but perverted. It includes influencers, conspiracy theorists, and frankly is not somthing I put much faith in any more.

Oh, and I should have seen the ad homienem coming, it always seems to be the argument of favor for those who don’t care for different opinions.

P.S. And I don’t believe in taking sides without knowing all of the facts, from both sides, not just claims, and trust our legal system to sort out the facts from fiction. Since I don’t have access to all the facts I don’t take sides.


This is a sickening post, what is wrong with you?

Well that’s certainly a clear and unambiguous response…

You’re trying to downplay some really disgusting allegations that have been at least initially vetted by the state because… why? Either you think downplaying sexual harassment and a woman taking her life is fair trade for internet points… OR you’ve got a history here influencing your opinion.

I’m not saying your take necessarily makes you a misogynistic ahole who behaves like the guys in the investigation… but if you WERE that’s definitely exactly the take you’d make

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I dont know… but I’m guessing it’s no small thing

Once again, you’re saying 2 year investigation like this means anything. This is especially true in the age of Covid when many of our government agencies pretty much did nothing for as long as they could.

I don’t think anyone has been able to see the director’s complaints or the agency’s cause findings yet. The 2 year investigation may have consisted of redrafting complaints for half a year, maybe another half year after that they sent out interrogs that went back and forth for another 6 months, and a deposition that people argued about for a year, etc.

There’s California child support cases that take 2 years lol


I can’t wait for the Corpsegrinder Incident to come up in the court proceedings. It can show how this has gone on for years and can be used to show a continuous, chronic culture.

The plaintiff’s lawyers are going to dig pretty deep and show exactly this.


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A one-off video does not a “continuous, chronic culture” make. If the video in question was shown multiple times, or similar videos and rants were recorded multiple times, across several years, with little/no changes, then you’d have a case.

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