Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

Old Norwegian black metal is pretty sweet.


Whelp, cant disagree with that. Its true

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Gotta love the racist dog whistles.


Except this wasn’t illustrated as so. Granted I think there was some disciplinary action that took place later on, but during the Obama administration, they actually praised these folks for basically surrendering.

And you can “Obama this…” or “Obama that…” but he was still elected by the majority. He was still the CiC. Like it or not, he was the face of we the people while he was in office same as Trump, same as Biden.

alleged victims

Confirmation bias is a powerful drug.

Neither do half the people in charge of legislating anything.

It’s a bell-shaped curve. There were folks who would have take a bullet for me and others who would have tossed me onto a landmine at first chance. I don’t think I ever met anyone in-between.

You mean the state? How about all those Ivy-League grads who haven’t spent a day in the blue-collar environ but seem to think they know everything they need to know about the plebs?

In Afrasaibi’s case, I’m not so sure.

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Do you even read what you’re quoting or are you too busy #notallmen-ing?


I just keep in mind who I’m replying to and at what level of seriousness my response should be at.

I should have asked “can you…?”

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Remember, I’m just a figment of your imagination.

You heard him say it.


“It” is a pronoun and stands in for a previously identified noun. This sentence contains no previous identified noun.

I’m not that stupid.

Good for you.

I do like how Blizzard pointed out how they’re using the tragedy of her death as a bludgeon for a lawsuit.

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How would you rephrase what he tried to say then, professor?

Famous words that frequently preface “Here, hold my beer.”

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“Living in an age where things can be recorded is amazing.”

Imagine calling somebody a racist because they accurately describe somebody who loots and uses violence against peaceful people. Way to have your priorities warped. Fragile

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Imagine calling somebody a racist. Period.

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No wonder we cant get any game fixes or quality content patches


It’s not a secret.