Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

Protip: unlike your favorite president, you shouldn’t stare directly at the sun.


We’re a little old for imaginary friends, don’t you think?

Do you?

Imagine thinking I support a candidate when Ive never voted in my life simply because I dont support uncivilized behavior.

Protip: unlike your favorite groups of people, you shouldnt blame other people for your failings

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Imagine thinking this was a smart thing to say.


Feel free to say why its not

That’s probably for the best.

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You beat me to it.

Compared to those who force their ignorance onto others? Nah, probably not

Are you a ret paladin?

Asking for a (worried) friend.

Im a holy paladin, because I actually help people who are being attacked by others merely for existing

Press X for doubt.

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Did you get the passivist achievement?

Notglinda isn’t a lawyer.

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Which employees? I took a look at glassdoor and their software engineering/developer salaries seem in line with the industry. They kind of have to be or the Software folks would just move on. There are far more software engineering jobs than there are people to fill them.

If you are talking about Game Masters and people with skills that are not in high demand, well that is an industry problem and not specific to Blizzard.

Do you understand the difference between a charge and a conviction judgement?

Because I believe that’s the distinction he was trying to make.

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For me its just about letting the law take its place. Isnt innocent before guilty the foundation of law, order and justice? I take this stance with anyone who has been accused of anything.

But hey! Maybe they are clearly guilty what can I say I’m an idealist. Im quite young still so maybe when I get older ill be much more pessimistic about the world.

This also isn’t a criminal case, so it’s not a question of a charge and conviction. It’s a question of damages that may or may not have been inflicted and if they have what the penalty should be.

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You’re correct. I should have used the term judgement. I’ll edit my post.

Of course the person who supports people burning buildings would doubt others who try to prevent such things

No but I did get the self defense achievement, which is better than the thuggery achievement so Ive heard

But Fasc is, and hes pretty based