Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

What’s past is prologue.

The WoW Forums are the worst type of ‘gamers’ but sure keep cherry picking

LOL! I had you pegged for a lawyer. You type exactly how my uncle talks. He pulls the same crap with everyone he knows. So, hes friendless, divorced half a dozen times and will probably die from a combination of loneliness and pure rage.

Oh, and he was disbarred.

In the beginning was the Word…


Pretty sure you forgot “alcoholic”.

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Youre6not dealing with the sharpest mind here…

… and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And Glinda, as always, is correct.


Appeal to authority


As we learned earlier, appeal to authority is not a formal fallacy.

And when the authority is THE AUTHORITY it most certainly isn’t a fallacy.


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Imagine having your business burned down because your skin is white.
Imagine having your career destroyed because everyone believes the accuser with no evidence.

You cant

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The symbol for my religion is a suitcase of Miller Lite with Pink Pigtails rampant.

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Imagine being a white man in America without fire insurance.

Imagine being a white man in America who can’t find a better job.


He’s a total tea totaler. Kinda like Trump, but a democrat.


AKA dying like a man should


Imagine thinking that having fire insurance somehow hand waives the fact a business burned down.

Imagine thinking because you got fired from a job, that simply means it gives you an opportunity to find a better job.

Like what the actual kind of insane logic are you applying here? How utterly morally bankrupt are you?

You literally just handwaived having peoples livelihoods being burned down and being fired without due process. You’re an animal

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Pretty sure you’re hard stuck on that one, little buddy.


Coming from the morally bankrupt individual, Im not surprised thats all you took from that comment.

Keep supporting barbaric behavior because you have no idea what civilized behavior is

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I figured you’re surprised every time the sun rises.


Im surprised you ever see the sun with all your posts on this board tbh

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