Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

My shoulder is super floppy thanks to what they did to me :smiley:

Or I just don’t pretend anything is going on one way or another until proven otherwise. I’m sure someone at Blizzard has been a complete misogynistic prick. I’m also sure someone at Blizzard has embezzled money. There’s probably at least one cat torturer, a person who likes serial dating just to crush them after, and every other weird vice and thing. But unless we get something more than “a female employee claims at some point at some time that someone did something bad”, there’s nothing more to go off of for now.

I mean if you want to over extrapolate from every little thing… sure… it’ll reveal ALL of the world’s secrets to you. But most of what people claim to see in a lawsuit is just… nothing at all.

Oh c’mooooooooon.

I’m not citing to Lord Blackstone or ancient Roman Emperors despite them being the progenitors of modern legal concept to call all of law Roman.

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Am just going to leave this here you can continue to support what ever you think is innocent.


I never said they’re innocent. But, unless it goes to court and we happen to be picked for a jury, that’s not for us to decide.

You are completely entitled to choose whether you’d like your money to go to the company anymore. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Right and blizzard’s liability will be based on, what if anything actually happened, if it did how much knowledge did management type people have of it, and if they did what if anything they did to address the situation.

I got a new shoulder, new teeth, plus a sweet TBI.

I also only have seven fingers, so gloves are cheap.

Oh, and a scar across my backside that kills at parties.

I never let facts stand in my way.

Ignorance of history is no excuse to dismiss it, or worse, try to pass your ignorance off as fact.

You don’t see me arguing the finer points of law with you, I know when I’m out of my depth.

Maybe try to not be so facile about areas where you’re not an expert.


Lol, your racing stripes?

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My wife gets SOOOOOOO mad when I show them off after a couple beers.


Right, and right now all we have are complainant takes on the matter, not actual testimony or evidence of any kind. Plus, the liability here subject to administrative remedies as well, since that’s what the pre-suit pow-wow was supposed to be about. In other words, there’s a world where Blizzard said “we’ll do whatever you need” and a few people got fired and new EO policies were implemented and that was that…

Worst EOD ever!

My point is that if we’re having to reach back to the East Indian Country to link military/corporation, it sort of loses its relevance.

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I just tell people that it was a tragic nose-picking accident.

My point is, that almost all forms of corporate organizational structure is descended from various forms of military structure. That military structure is the very DNA of today’s corporate structure, no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise. Military structure is very efficient at using men/women and materiel to achieve a goal in ways that satisfy societal norms. Sorta like what corporations try to do.

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Just feels very… ehh… distant

The best part about this whole thing is the Blizzard response that looks like it was written by a mix of Trade Chat and the people who post racist memes in Classic WoW Discord servers.


That’s your lack of imagination at work.

My raid guild ran their last raid tonight. Many people leaving, as well as I am. FFXIV is my new home.


You nailed it!

I mean sure, we can trace lineage… but I don’t talk about cats and their cheetah ancestry.

I guess this is as close as you’ll get to admitting I was right, so I’ll take it.

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Will be interesting to see what happens after Bobby cleans house and fires everyone. Might be for the best considering the last two expansions were terrible.

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I feel like you just “akshully’d” me and I’m too tired to be splitting the difference on past sourcing and present-day reality…

Ho boy… more legal messiness…

I agree with this.

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