Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out

For being in someway an influencer of it? Yes, especially as this is a civil case not a criminal one.

Give me an example of something recent. I wanna be able to point to it an say, “Aha!” if the subject ever comes up again.

Google Michelle Carter’s pretty blonde girl that acted all innocent in court, grated she was giving a slap on the hand but still convicted.

Okay, I have seen that case and I do know the evidence brought against her was her very straightforwardly saying words in an effort to convince her boyfriend to commit suicide.

Now, did Blizzard have a back-and-forth with the employee in question where they basically convinced her to commit suicide?

This is not a criminal case, the actual death is not what’s really at issue it’s just a highlight in showing that blizzard might have created an extremely hostile work environment.

Yup, it’s about optics.

Funny that this is coming from CA, one of the most expensive places to live with a horrible amount of homeless…

anyways with my hate for CA out of the way, I hope Blizzard gets sued the maximum amount so they can realize they aren’t immortal.

Which may or may not reflect reality, but i guess we’ll find out.

ROTC programs are a joke and not indicative of the real military.

It is, and that people want to litigate without due process is just petty vindictiveness. I will never accept the “fire first, question never” hysterics.

Appeal to authority is informal, meaning it isn’t a fallacy based on form, but rather substance. Actual military units don’t have such fragile non-accountability, and corporations do try to mimic what they think is military life by being “tough love” style managers, rather than endless accountability like actual military units.

Someone who has never served in the military wouldn’t know what the real military is like so this isn’t some nonsense fallacy.


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The “real” military? Like how a riverine command boat was allowed to be seized by the IRGC in the Persian Gulf and a female sailors was told to put on a formal head-covering while in uniform?

Ah, yes, we shouldn’t have opinions, just let mommy and daddy take care of it.

I’m guessing I put in far more time than you, and have studied the history of corporate structures enough to know that your “experience” is bushwa.

So you agree that this lawsuit will have a significant effect on Blizzard no matter it’s actual legal outcome.

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This has absolutely no bearing on the fact that corporate structure is derived from military structure.

You’re a smart guy, but you’re talking out the wrong hole on this one.


A lot of you don’t seem to understand that this isn’t some begrudged ex-employee, or even several, filing charges against their ex-colleagues/bosses/company.

This is the literal fair employment sector filing a suit after a 2 year investigation. They wouldn’t file unless they were commandeering a pretty significant load of evidence to make it a case that would pierce any Blizzard defense.

You guys have to really take off the “INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY” blinders for just one second, and actually read the filing. There’s some serious stuff in there.

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Yeah, as in not a bunch of college students playing soldier.

Yes… every single major screw up and embarrassment is exactly how day-to-day life is in the military…


You can have your opinions, but people don’t stop there, they just get more and more vindictive and hide behind the shield of “oh well the STATE didn’t do it so its fine if I smear and attack and ignore anything vindicating anyone…”


Every lawsuit does, but that doesn’t mean what you think it means.

If we’re reducing “structure” down to “has managers” then I guess you got me…

It most likely is just angry employees.

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Well victims of sexual harassment in the workplace usual are angry.


Except it’s not…no employee or ex-employee is behind this suit…

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Regardless of how serious the allegations are, we have due process here in the US. This is a constitutional right that we should continue to support, regardless of how angry something makes us.

Let’s not be so willing to give up our rights.
You never know… One day it could be you that needs due process.


Right, but this filing is just raw, unsupported allegations. You don’t have to put any facts that are inconvenient to your claims in there, you don’t have to bring up that you had five negative reports, you don’t have to bring up the guy that got promoted over you had 5+ years overall more experience than you, etc.

Like I said, this might as well have been one of the many EO lawsuits I handled for the VA, where they claim everything was done to them, and then records show nothing, but we still have to go through the process anyway.

So until any actual facts come up to support anything and both sides get a chance at discovery, Blizzard is no more or less blameless than the unnamed accusers.

California is basing its investigation on an unknown number of complaints by unknown employees, likely many who just have an ax to grind, and jumped to file said investigation ASAP because they were running out of time to do so. That’s why the 2-year thing is hilarious, they were dragging their feet and then got three arbitration sessions in rapid-fire in the two weeks prior to filing.

This reeks. I’m not surprised, California is pretty hamfisted.

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They had to blow me up to get me out.

Yes, let’s pretend that Blizz doesn’t discriminate against female employees, because that’s just so rare, right?

Meaningless BS.

Ah, yes, you got it in one.


Just for fun, go read up on the East India Company.


No one is suggesting that.

At the same time, we’re not stupid.