Activision vs. CA UPDATE Employees Planning Walk Out


You know Brack is gone.

“A two-year investigation by the state agency”

I stopped reading right there. State employees “investigating” anything makes me LOL IRL.

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It’s in CA Superior Court and was brought by a California agency. It’s not federal

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Enigmuh, bro, don’t you know you are arguing with people who read stuff on the internet so they know more than attorneys? :smiley:

I know more than anybody.

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Same. I know stuff. And things.

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I’m an expert on the extent of my own ignorance.

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I’m more ignorant than you. Fite me bro! o.0

Wait, that didn’t come out right.

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and why is this on the TBC channel ?

You do know that they are talking about the company that makes TBC right?

Or did you really not know that?

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It’s amazing that we live in an age where things can be recorded.

that’s not how categories work. there are plenty of posts in the general channel where it belongs.

And edited.

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Tin foil hat much?

Am I wrong?

Apply for a job as a moderator. Until then, kick rocks.

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and that’s why i flagged this post as spam

And that’s why I flagged yours.

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Thinking that the DA can’t find unedited material, yes.

So, I’m not up to date on my suicide cases, but is it easy or difficult to prove someone or someones are culpable concerning another person’s suicide?