Activision had nothing to do with this

Blizzard has had full control of the direction of the game’s development. So if there’s anything anybody doesn’t like, it falls on Blizzard employees.

Yup, people are hating what they are doing with it.

Specially crafting, GGG seems to want nothing but RNG crafting and people really enjoy targeted crafting so they’re really at odds.

Yes, but Kotick pushed for staff minimization and laid off around 500 people IIRC around the time of Shadowlands development, all while giving himself a 1billion dollar bonus.

Nah man, Bobby kotick totally cares if we’re flying or not and directly ordered Ion to make conduit energy a thing.

Activision no doubt has caused problems, but design decisions like this fall on Blizzard.

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Looks like it’s time to recast Thrall. I wonder if Kratos guy would be up for it.

isn’t it a merged company or something? doesn’t activision own blizzard? o.O" if so they wouldn’t it be on them as well for not actually providing a safer work environment i mean hell im sure there must have been HR claims but probably got swept under the rug thus the investigation for 2 years.

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I don’t think anyone is calling Kotick a Saint.

Just that the major problems with the game are bad ideas and awful decisions from Blizzard, not a mandate from above.

Im sorry but BF will never win against COD.

If you’re talking about the recent layoffs, it was between 50 and 100 and mostly from live events. Like… they payed them to do nothing for a year and then when they finally decided to cut live events they laid them off with pretty good severance packages.

Bf>cod every day of the week.

This was an older incident, when BFA was current.

LOL, are you kidding me? COD has been hot garbage since they stopped supporting the new iteration of MW. The last 2 releases and this upcoming Vanguard BS is already hated and it’s not even out.

The hype around BF2042 is absolutely insane.

The 800 spread across all of actiblizz? Mostly support people on that one, not really any development. Lot of esports and cs people.

Can’t be hyped for another game with no Single player campaign :frowning:

Meh, although they did some of the war stories in BF1/BFV well, I’m glad they’re focusing solely on the multiplayer. My best times with battlefield was in BF1942 15 years ago. They had no SP…just pure MP sandbox play and it was glorious.

I hate multiplayer… anything really if its not pve.

Just sucks, but they did the same thing with BOPS4 but the last 2 had campaigns.

Since the start of BfA there have been several waves of layoffs. Didn’t they lay off 800 qa people?

The bonus was 200 million in stock. Eventually he gave half of it back, and the value of that stock has probably dropped with today’s news.

Thank you for correcting me, the numbers avoided me since it’s been so long!

No, that is misinformation spread on the forums. They laid of like 6% of over 300 QA people, it was mostly CS and Esports.

The esports people didn’t get laid off until very recently. They’ve laid off a lot of other workers since the start of BfA.

No, those were live event people.

These were like esports organizers or something, there’s a list out there. It wasn’t development and very little QA