If I bought a radio and decided to change the dead batteries, is that also a takeover? Or, If I already owned the radio, having previously bought it, would putting batteries where there were none be a takeover?
What about if I am told free toppings and I take them all, is that a take over? No, it’s over taking.
I purchase the usage rights to video games, and I like it that way as do many others. Hopefully someday we get Strong Digital right laws that will protect our purchases and allows us to sell/trade/borrow our usage rights.
Games as a service is a cancer, you don’t have to agree but that’s the reality of the situation. Corprations aren’t your friends and I’ll own my media and be happy!
yeah but this is GD. there are people who here who think j allen brack was literally sitting around writing quest text or deciding to nerf their favorite spec or adjust drop rates of the item they want
Well Spoken! This is the End of the World …of Warcraft. Wow they should have just chap 19 it. This is sad news, I was on the fence, what happened here was the unsub reason.
Unlikely. They want the trilogy done before or by 2030 based on statements made at BlizzCon. I mathed it out a while ago when people were whining about Fated.
They have five years to release three expansions, so 60 months.
If we generously assume they release The War Within in August, and count September on, that gives us 64 months.
64 months for three expansion is ~21 months for each.
If we assume three tiers an expansion, which both SL and DF seem to slate as the new normal, that gives us ~7 months a season.
Now, most of our seasons run ~6 months, so this mostly pans out in theory, and Fated goes away at least until 2030.
They have some wiggle room on how long they make them, and it’s likely the Saga could end well before 2030. But they won’t be cramming three seasons into less than a year each.
Nice. You really gotta love it. Hopefully we will see massive changes. People are welcome to find the nearest exit if they dont approve. Win win situation.
I haven’t played it, but if you’re going off a metacritic score, where the only scores people tend use are a 0 or a 10, you’re going to get some pretty wonky results.
Sure, but it is based on 9184 user ratings and that game has a really bad rep in general. There will always be trolls involved, but it still gives an impression of how something is perceived.
Your hyperbole and rhetoric are truly pathetic. You don’t know her, you don’t know what her plans are.
She might be awful, she might be amazing, but the fact is, no matter how much you pretend, no matter how much you try to make yourself feel important by blathering your baseless opinion all over a forum - you know nothing.
We’ll see what she does as the lead for WoW. All she has to do really is listen to the creative team, mainly Metzen, and sign the checks, and things will be fine.