Oof, good luck to all Blizzard fans. Activision GM announced as the new president of Blizzard. She ran Call of Duty for Activision for 5 years after spending 12 years with the NFL.
If you are happy with the same exact game loaded with nothing changed / nothing anyone wanted and microtransactions, then you will be thrilled with this hire. The future of WoW and blizzard games in general couldn’t be any darker than it is today.
Say what you will about Mike Ybarra but at least he played the games, and understood what made the games fun. Does anyone think Johanna Faries even knows what World of Warcraft is? Outside of the memes and the southpark episode from 20 years ago its doubtful.
she is who decided to make MW3 a DLC for Warzone?
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I want to point out the elephant in the room, but I won’t.
Since when is someone being hired into an empty position suddenly a “take over?”
Do you know for certain she doesn’t?
President of a company is a fairly large position. Unsure how familiar you are with corporate structure, but president is quite high.
It is in fact a takeover.
She likes Diablo IV… for some reason. A game with a score of 2.2/10.
She didn’t say anything about WoW. So I dunno.
I suspect that noone at Activision had any real say in what happened with the COD games. Her role was probably doing what Bobby told her to do. Just gotta see what happens I guess. Worst case scenario, WOW dies. It already almost died in Shadowlands and was only salvaged by Dragonflight. Another failure of SL proportions will kill the game outright.
its not a take over
a take over would be microsoft booting everyone and placing themselves in
More familiar than you, it seems. Because hiring a new president is not this:
Personally I just dont bother much worrying about microtransactions. I pay my sub and expansion fees and thats about it.
The second this game annoys me, I’ll unsub again.
I’ll leave it up to MS and actiblizzion as to which Im doing…playing WoW or playing ESO that has yet to annoy me a single time.
A. I think you are taking the term “take over” far too seriously and B. Isnt that kind of exactly what they did?
She worked for the NFL For 11 years, and MS is SUPER CLOSE with the NFL… its all a tight closed circle. MS knows exactly who she is.
Booted everyone to the point Mike had to quit / knew he wasnt getting the job over Johana?
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What did Mike Ybarra exactly do for Blizzard? Did he make it more successful? Please explain why you’re so vested in this one individual.
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He did pretty much nothing. He was just an average corporate CEO. I can say he was better than Brack. The only good CEO Blizzard ever had was Morhaime. But he left for greener pastures and is running his own company now. I don’t think she will be any better or any worse than Ybarra, just more of the same.
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Oh idk, only took over Blizzard during both their worst expansion ever (Shadowlands) their biggest corporate scandal ever (me too) and during the hardest time to develop during covid… and turned it around with a moderately successful expansion in Dragonflight.
Here is how you judge it. Is Blizzard and wow in a better place now, or in August of 2021 when he joined the leadership team. I think the question answers itself.
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General Manager for the most copy/paste game ever taking over doesn’t sit well. CoD is a garbage of a game that only cares about one thing: Milking money from its playerbase every season with battle passes and every year with a reskin of the previous game for $80/ea.
It was bad enough we were told to expect each expansion to launch with 1 raid, 8 dungeons and 4 zones with a new zone/raid each patch for only 2 major content patches. This just confirms that Blizzard is just going to make WoW feel more like CoD. Reskin every expansion with no soul.
I feel a copy/paste comment is fitting for this thread.
Super spot on… The differences between the 3 expansions in the “trilogy” upcoming will be almost nothing. Same as the last few have been. A new BG, a new arena, few new quest zones, same pretty much everything. Except 20+ or more new items on the store to buy with $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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If she was in charge of CoD WWII then nice, i love that game. Ghosts was fun too. Think i played one of the more recent ones as well, but i prefer WWII n Ghosts more.
That’s kinda the bread n butter for FPS games (ecks bawks’ flagship fps Halo embodies this just as much as COD), also sports games.
The game has been declining in quality.
i’ll give her a chance, but i won’t be holding my breath, a take it as it comes, a wait and see attitude.
The people that been working on the game for years now know what WoW is n look how not good a job they been doing overall.
My opinion is a lot people on these forums put way too much into this as far as the game design goes.
The job of the president is ensure profitability of COURSE if you think that’s evil or greed or whatever else besides why business exists all I can say is when do you think that naïveté will wear off?
If the game does well the president doesn’t have to care about its content that’s not their job. Literally it’s not their job.
Give her a chance, her job is to make the game profitable while keeping players like us happy, maybe she can do both.
6 months from now we might be sitting in our player housing and think “ya know, I am sure glad they made Johanna Faries president of Blizzard”