Honestly given the abomination of SL and the lack of proper apology for what it did to the story (I don’t care about content complaints, those come and go, two later you’re past it (same with class balancing) while this is a festering, gaping wound in the lore that continues to ooze pus), that probably couldn’t make things much worse than they already are.
The trader’s cart tokens are right there for monetizing, increase prices by 20%, put tokens directly on the shop. Not to mention they can just divert more nice looking gear from rewards for playing the game to putting it in the in-game shop. And much more I’m sure.
Fact is WoW is already one of the most exploitive games there are. They 5x-dip their customers and feed them crappy stories and balance and have the audacity to act like rock-stars above such plebs to top it off. Let’s count them off:
- Subscription fee
- Expansions are paid and are full AAA game prices including the lovely epic edition mark-ups to $90 if you want early access.
- Pay2win via tokens which translate to gold for a thriving industry selling runs, clears of everything from the current raid in heroic/mythic for gear/titles/mounts/achieves to mythic+ runs and pvp. Buying gold with real money also incentivizes the development and deployment of goldsinks such as the brutosaur which far from simple taking 5 million gold from the already wealthy class of WoW players inspired probably tens of thousands to shell out for tokens to get part or all of the way there (at full price at the time I believe someone would have paid $1000 for tokens to get the gold in full for the mount and I assure you some people did so, some of whom probably could not afford it but got hooked on the FOMO abuse Blizzard serves up)
- In-game shop for higher quality transmogs, mounts, pets, and of course overpriced character services such as having to pay per character to move off a dead realm or dead faction which resulted from poor performance on the part of Blizzard in hollowing out their own playerbase with bad and hated choices.
- Key lore gated behind subject-to-retcon-anyways novels sold through major retailers for over $10.
IMO of 1-4 they should have to choose 3, drop the sub and keep the other stuff or keep the sub, and drop prices on either expacs, or in-game-shop stuff.
COD is trash, it is the smelliest garbage in the pile of garbage that calls itself art for tax credits that is the modern gaming industry. It’s what Marvel movies are to gaming. Flash, spectacle, hollow as can be. In that way she is kind of the perfect boss for the WoW devs in that they themselves created a Thanos rip-off for their worst expac ever and clearly like a lot of questionable quality stuff (head writer thinks final season of GoT was brilliant).
My faith in Blizzard died long ago so in a way I almost hope she does kill WoW, not that it will ever properly die. She could add a new fee for each raid tier of $30 and rip out half the normally free stuff earned by playing the game and there would still be die-hards who’d pay and play until it’s no longer feasible to develop the game.
Still it’s unfortunate there was no promotion from within attempt here and while it’s hard to say who this woman is deep down and what her strategy will be, the place she was plucked from and her former roles do not inspire confidence. At best we can hope MS saw her as a fixer and given Blizzard’s failures with things like OW2 and numerous canceled projects they clearly have issues getting acceptable products to market in time.
I shudder at the prospects of further e-sport-ification as I think M+ has been the worst thing to ever happen to MMORPG like WoW (in terms of systems anyways). Raids always had a certain camaraderie, down-time goofy moments, socialization, fun. M+ is go-go-go-go @!#& so there’s little time for that, it’s pick up, do, it’s over. And failure unlike in raids isn’t something you just laugh off, rebuff and try again which creates a more toxic attitude, blame-games, raging, etc.
In the end only time will tell of course. She could be great. She could be horrible. She could be meaningless to the slow-rolling disaster that the game already is.