Well I am not. I already believe it because I have noticed they hardly have any females doing anything of importance over the years of watching blizzcon, etc. When you see male after male after male and not a single female for years (although a couple have shown up recently but probably damage control) you can see something wrong.
And it isn’t as if these people have special qualifications to make a game - ocean whatever ghostcrawler was and ion the lawyer …
This is dumb. Legal fees and the states time isn’t something to be taken so lightly despite what you hear.
Do you really think prosecutors would go for after such a large company with all the resources ATVI has for a slap suit?
No, no just no. Please stop thinking like this. There is definitely hard evidence or someone won’t have a job for long. ATVI might not suffer much as a company on the whole, but something happened.
I’d rather it be some sort of mediator between Activision and Blizz. That way, it would be an excuse for the media to talk about a free standing Blizz.
Also, Ion is the best fight and Raid Designer of any MMO period.
A cowtowing product manager, but a god tier fight and raid designer nonetheless.
Secondly, for this to be at this point–not an individual suing the company, but a government investigation ending in complaint being filed by the actual state?–it means this has been going on for years. There are layers and layers of “looking the other way” and victim blaming and hiding the truth in here…well before the state would’ve gotten involved to this degree. What this tells me is that there is a deep and ugly system that has been this way for a long time in that workplace, and I have a feeling the stories are going to be numerous.
This is about to be a nightmare. Buckle up. Wow. I’m devastated to read this.
First of all…be better. Second, you’ve got more. You’ve got a 2-year investigation by a department of the California state government followed by a complaint based on the findings. It’s in the article and in the publicly filed complaint by DFEH.
you will never know anything - nothing in there was hard to believe being done - I could list 10 names of people working there and asking can you imagine him doing that…
Cali did a two year investigation of the allegations-- so something must have triggered them to slap Blizzard with a law suit.
“A two-year investigation by the state agency found that the company discriminated against female employees in terms and conditions of employment, including compensation, assignment, promotion, and termination. Company leadership consistently failed to take steps to prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, the agency said.”
From what I gathered there is I seen two people at work that worked the same job and have to same pay the male earned more even when taxes were the same in the end,so there is that.
There is evidence presented in the article, that’s the evidence the state of California presented to bring charges. Do you not trust the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing? Why do you think an entire government agency is helping a whole bunch of women you think are lying? What do they have to gain in your view?
This lawsuit follows a 2-year investigation by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing. Pretty sure they’re just not making crap up. By the way, have you met most gaming communities? Is it really so hard to believe this sort of behavior goes on? Especially at a company with such hubris as Blizzard…