Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

The irony of this is that they kept Roux and deleted Flynn, all while engaging in crap behavior.


So what exactly do you think is going on here, the California AG is going after Blizzard legally on behalf of a bunch of women you claim are lying after a 2 year investigation because…? What is the conspiracy? Explain yourself.


I’m not dying on anything.
I’m saying give me more proof of something than that article which gave nothing what so ever

I dont think its a bad standard to have. You know… wanting basic evidence to back something up


What will happen is that testimony will be taken from a number of people and the courts will judge whether or not the allegations are correct. What proof they can provide will be revealed in due course.

What most people here are saying is: if its true its terrible. And that’s a fair comment.


Direct link for those who don’t want to click through.

"The suit also points to a female Activision employee who took her own life while on a company trip with her male supervisor. The employee had been subjected to intense sexual harassment prior to her death, including having nude photos passed around at a company holiday party, the complaint says. "

Yeah if nothing was done about this, just shows the woke thing was all a smokescreen and con to get woke people to spend their money. If you thought it was more than virtue signaling sorry your world is crumbling, but here is a tip: you don’t need to signal real virtue.


This is horrible and should never happen in any company.

However I feel this is more of a reddit discussion and less of something for the GD Forums

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This company can’t catch a break…

It’s beyond a dust horse now.

I will find this inexcusable if they don’t fire people out of this disgusting behavior considering that their hands don’t shake when it comes to fire people that does voice acting for them and later don’t get them back when proven innocent.


Considering the attitudes some people have these days… yes I fully believe there are people out there who would do this


It won’t get 404’d for the topic itself. But I know it’ll get 404’d for turning into a dumpster fire of people trashing each other.

Makes me wonder if maybe this is the reason why some of the senior devs at Blizzard have left over the years.

Wouldn’t surprise me. I can’t imagine someone like Jeff Kaplan being okay with this type of behaviour. Same goes for developers like David Kim. I wonder if they tried to step up to the plate for their fellow employees, realized nothing was getting done and put their foot down about it.


blizzard needs to clean house. im pretty sure the higher ups arent clean either


Oh yeah without a doubt
If its true then they need to get their stuff together and people need to get fired.

I’m just not ready to jump on the bandwagon of saying it should happen until any of that happens


Why would the California AG choose to sue Blizzard without any evidence at all? What do they hope to gain?

Bro… do you even understand how the legal system works at all?


We don’t have to present the evidence. The Courts require that.

Most reasonable people here are simply saying that if it is true, its bad. Is it somehow wrong to say that?


I hope they keep Roux forever just because of how much she triggers people with very bland years old tweets.


Not surprised. Corporate culture mixed with man-children and “gamers”. Was inevitable.


… I had no idea Afrasiabi was gone. No wonder the story has changed so much for me. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Oh it is, I just read the part about Afrasiabi (former Senior Creative Director) who left with no announcement a little while ago.

He tried to grope women, tried to kiss them, invited them back to his hotel room at blizzcon infront of everyone in the rest of the management team and J Allen Brack gave him verbal warnings.

It goes all the way to the top.


theres the legal system and then theres twitter court.

sure you can be innocent in the legal system. but you’re always guilty in life because everyone thinks you guilty. social media.


Ah, yes… let’s keep the toxic crazy woman around, because you like toxicity. Makes perfect sense.