Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

Who cares?

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Not getting what you mean. Though if you meant the torture devise then I’d say you should maybe seek help.

Wanting to torture someone over a difference on how they view woman pumping in the work place is a bit unhinged.

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I like how he seems to think you need to pump the milk to bring it to work with you and not the other way around.


As someone who quit retail in Cata (when they destroyed the game) and is only back for Classic and TBC it feels kinda good to see this awful company go down in flames. Many of us saw this coming for a decade. Time for FFXIV, New World, and Ashes!


that guy is waiting for a lawsuit to happen


I’m not stating it did or didn’t happen. Only that a state agencies investigation is not foolproof or evidence of guilt.

It also states the DFEH attempted to mediate and only when mediation failed did they advance to a lawsuit. Which implies that Blizz either believes themselves innocent or believes there isn’t enough evidence to prove guilt.

The case was made that it was to prevent leakage. So now we are back to it being used…

Because it falls under US Federal Law.


meh…who cares about evidence, lol.
Evidence means nothing in a court of law. :wink:
And certainly with all the evidence, the defendant IS actually innocent until a juror SAYs hes guilty, lol.
I mean, Charles Manson wasnt guilty of anything…he WAS innocent…right up till he magically became guilty when the verdict was given, lmao.

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Trunchbull will have a lot of fun with you :wink:


Hey dude, for your own sake, you should probably just shut up. I don’t think you fully comprehend how much of a fool you’re making yourself look.


Fake woke nerds from california that got hired after grad school and grew up rich turn out to be creeps. Many such cases.


I LOVE that movie. It creeps the wife out, lol


Now he wants them to pump breast milk for their baby in the ‘bathroom or supply closet.’



there is enough in there that would be easily enough proven and only one of those claims has to end up being supported - there is too much just terrible stuff in there.

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Dude it is a federal law to provide a private place for lactation not just a California law. You understand that women can’t just hold milk in their breasts all day right? Babies can be breast fed at work as that is the law or women can pump which most do.


Uh oh, he’s gonna be put in the Chokey.

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No way. That would be lethal radiation for mainstream streamers.

But for streamers on the fringe, it could be their 10 minutes worth of fame. No live streaming during from the jury box though. lol

MAN Im glad someone had the stones to say it. lmao.
Ive been sitting here holding my tongue wanting to for an hour…

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By the name of the room “breast feeding room” it indicates that the action taken would be to breast feed your child.

I was then corrected and told that it was used for pumping instead.

Seriously though this is an insane concept to me. Why would any company pay you to pump at work when your supposed to be working. That as far as I’m concerned is still a failure to do your job.