Activision Blizzard sued by California. This is bad

Flagged by the community, wow.


Almost like they should rebrand to Activision -Method or Activision -Echo with those allegations .

Hopefully they will do some house cleaning after this . I’ve never been part of these people need to be fired group as far as there bad choices as far as making the game goes but if this is all true people need to be fired.

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Give us your money, LGBTQIA

Only total morons believe these companies actually give a rip about human rights or social justice. They are 100% up for telling you what your value system should be, but don’t you dare look too deeply at what is going on behind the scenes in their house.


This was a two year investigation by the state. If you read the states full lawsuit you will also note that another female employee committed suicide on a work trip due to constant sexual harassment from her male coworkers.

This’s is more than just a simple he said vs she said. This is Blizzard screwed up big time and the house needs to be cleaned up from top to bottom.


If this get 404’d, the forum will go up in flames.

You thought the Real ID thing from years back was bad around here? You ain’t seen anything if this stuff is true.

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And if you engaged in the behavior that I posted at the end. That being someone who wants to have children then mismanaging your personal life enough that you can’t be at work then I’d fire you.

I don’t have many expectations but I do need you to be at work on time, not leave early and do what your hired to do. If you do those things I’ll try my best to get you a raise regardless of sex, race, or any other category you can put people into. If not well there might be a better place for you elsewhere. I don’t care where I just don’t want you as my problem.


That’s why I linked the Bloomberg one over any of the game sites.

why DONT I believe this? lol.
“we may lie to our paying customers, but we’d never lie if we were being accused of some sort of impropriety”
…aint buying it.

“an” employee complaining, etc is one thing.
MULTIPLE complaints of VARYING issues, is quite another.
Seems to be that ‘systemic’ thing we hear so much about these days.


But how do we know she isn’t lying about being dead? Women lie you know!

Check mate boys, got em :sunglasses:


I’m not going to speak on whether the accusations or true or not because I simply don’t know.

My advice is for men in the workplace. Simply don’t speak to women about anything but work related cases, don’t make jokes, don’t be friendly.

Way too many guys have lost their jobs over a comment taken out of context.

It’s sad but the only way around it is to cut of all contact with women at your workplace unless absolutely necessary. It’s not worth you losing your paycheck during covid over a comment taking out of context.


California… Man its another place entirely.


Welp if that’s their stance this gonna be a battle. Not sure yet if I’ll be unsubbing based on the court evidence but I mean basically saying the state is grossly incompetent will backfire horribly if Blizzard loses in court.

Thanks for posting the official reply.

LOL it like that women soccer case, they claim women soccer got inequality pay, turns out they got higher paid than their counter part and also women soccer generate less view so they get slightly less paid than men.

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Certain people have been allowed to run amok and be toxic in these forums for years.

You know the names. You see them each and everyday posting vile nonsense here. They have THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS of posts. Calling them out gets YOU suspended, yet they continue their daily toxicity.

Blizzard lets it happen, because those people also defend the company no matter what.

This post getting flagged is no different.


And if the entire world operated that way you wouldn’t have been born.


Interesting, but this January, Activision told the AFL-CIO that it’s proposal that Activivison Blizzard interview at least one diverse candidate when it hires for a position ‘unworkable’. (According to

Makes me question the first sentence, right off the bat.

Yeah, it reads like they are doing damage control, trying to prove they did everything they could to provide a safe environment. They aren’t trying to prove things didn’t happen, they are trying to prove that they did everything in their power to make sure it was reportable.

Seems like this news is still fresh, I’m barely find anything online, tomorrow will be a harsh day.

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Yeah, government bodies typically dont file lawsuits with flimsy cases. Reading the court doc there is some heinous stuff in there an alot of it is coming from the WoW team.

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Keep in mind this statement is coming from Activision, and their Board Management, with Legal consulting.

I have no doubt that some action/s were taken, that sentence would have never existed otherwise.

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