Active Guild (Alliance) Recruiting 180+ ilvl for Keys and Nathria

Most of us have been playing on and off since Vanilla. We were a top 100 guild back in the day… But we have jobs now.

We’re still serious about progression though. We’re looking for good hangs that are great players - not absolute min maxers that don’t get along with people.
We have an awesome group of core guys that are on every day but need a few more to fill out our Nathria raid.

We’re looking for people that…

  • Are iLVL 180+
  • Play almost daily
  • Like to run keys or just play the game in general
  • Are active in chat or discord

Some of us do arena as well if that’s your thing.

Raid Schedule - Twice a Week
We’re thinking Thursdays and Saturdays 7pm-10pm EST. But we can change this to suit the needs of the group.

If you’re interested message me on discord! flogzero#8702