Active Era Servers/Clusters June 2024

I want to start up a classic era toon for some relaxed leveling/game play.
There are a few recent threads where people mention specific servers/clusters with some activity – and a lot of older threads that may no longer be accurate. Since I’m not the only one curious about it having one centralized thread could be useful for folks.

I’m going to leave the word “active” as loosely defined – maybe it’s an RP server with a small but dedicated population, or maybe there’s active raid groups running that would like more people involved, or a pvp server with lots of organized fights…however you want to define active, please mention it here with some details.

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I recently rolled fresh on era. I tried the “community fresh” DD server. Very cool but at the time still seemed quite dead. Rerolled to the whitemane cluster and have been having a blast. Pretty easy to find groups, wpvp and, herb has made me thousands pre 60.

Theres something about the whitemane era cluster thats really chill right now. Its nice having everything released and not being on blizzards treadmill.


Another nice function is that because its a server “Cluster” you can play both factions on a single acct now rather than 2+.

Additionally the players on WMC are also super cool most of the time overall, and the “culture” of the server really feels good because its as close to “Vanilla” as you can get now days, at least from the vanilla experience I had so long ago.


PvP West Coast Whitemane Cluster is the big guy in the USA with around 6800 active players, slight edge to the alliance population.

PvE East Coast Mankrik Cluster comes in at #2 with over 2k active players but its 3/4 alliance.

The link provided gives you a full breakdown.

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And multiple characters with the same name. I have horde / ally xfour on whitemane cluster.


The Faerlina/Benediction cluster has a small guild ally side, called Istari, that is currently looking for levelers and more raiders to progress from MC, ZG, AQ20, and some world bosses into BWL and beyond. If you are interested in a low-pop, community oriented place with a Farmer’s Market Saturday AH, come check us out. Best times to pop in and get a feel for everyone would probably be Saturday or Monday night.

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Thanks — nice to have them break out what servers comprise each cluster.

They use raiding data for active users correct?

That’s only showing the people who care enough to log raids, and the strange bit about “ERA” is that near no one logs on WMC. It was strange to me at first, but I am not kidding no one logs raids on WMC, and those that do are the wild minority, its likely somewhere near 5% of the population at best is logging, may not actually be that much; could be lower like 1%, but im being very conservative saying 5% do.

I think that lack of logging is a part of the Whitemane culture that is very “Vanilla” in terms of how players play and go about their stuff.

Correct, its only those that bother to log, and that’s a very small part of the community; almost no one logs anymore.

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So a good guideline, but not the full story.

For Whitemane and Mankirk clusters – or raids and events spread through the US timezones or do they tend to follow server time more?

yeah its good to remember that near no one logs on WMC. For example most “Raids” are done by SoftRes and Gold DKP, and far fewer by “raiders” who are also far less likely to log than years ago.

Whitemane has raids at all hours - including middle of the usa night with aussie groups.

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Greetings Traveler!

I play on Grobbulus, an RP PvP microserver that is all of the above and we’d love some new members for our roster! We have an active alliance guild, Legacy, which has cleared Naxx after building a roster and progressing through MC-Naxx since 2021.

We also have an active horde guild, Requiem, who just started BWL progression. My gnomish spies suggest they have killed the first two bosses there last night for the first time.

As our guilds are mortal enemies, we occasionally organize guild vs. guild PvP of both world and BG varieties.

While we aren’t an RP guild, there’s enough of it to make me happy and we have a great sense of pride and community on our server! We’d love to have any new members who are curious.

Alliance Discord:

Horde Discord:


Deviate Delight has been popping off, especially on Alliance. Good community…10/10 would recommend.


How are battleground queues? Are they cluster based?

if so, how is it on Grob and Deviate Delight since they aren’t part of a cluster?

Grobb is connected to Whitemane and Mankrik for BGs. They pop all weekend long during AV weekend, not sure about other weekends.

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Every day all day for either gulch or basin, Q’s depending on time of day.

Would also +1 for Deviate Delight. I’ve had a blast on it just rejoining it a few months ago.

In a similar boat here… I logged onto Deviate Delight just earlier and this past weekend, did a quick scan of people online and not more than 30 between levels 1-50… not so sure about DD, but Whitemane is pretty popping.

As a whitemane player currently playing on DD I can say that both are poppin.

If one is looking for a fresh experience DD is def worth trying out.

Whitemane is like the final endgame, there are people leveling but you will also run into people with 5+ years into their toon.

I think both are mutually beneficial and each offer unique experiences