Active Authentication Issues 11/28

I care so little about streamers, I honestly wouldn’t know :smiley: But now the argument veers into a bit of a tin foil-lined rabbit hole if we start assuming only some streamers get preferential treatment even among those that Blizz endorses and, above that, that Blizz has the ability to “fix” issues for a handful of folks without affecting the remainder of the server they play on.

I mean, if you’ve got a fix, wouldn’t you just deploy the bloody thing?

"Certain realms: You mean just illidan? stop lieing, literally worthless

The first experience of this expasion, dumbass

Lmao certain realms, is it all the populated RP servers? Argent dawn EU, Moon Guard US, and Wyrmrest Accord US?

Same i mean good for them having a good time, but it doesn’t mean that others should suffer.

A52 is a dumpster fire too.

On the plus side, I’ll have my Fel Drake before I get to really play.


And here I was just thinking about my alts. Bad over there too, huh? Unplayable on Illidan. I’m one of the lucky few and I’m only 4 quests in.

your servers are bad and you should feel bad

I’m irritated with Area52, seeing lots of friends on though, hope they are at least enjoying it. :woman_shrugging:

My characters at the tower/harbor are forever stuck in ‘world down’ ‘character with that name exists’ and any other chars if I log in and go to a different zone gets stuck in the forever loading and no NPCs or monsters being around.

We have people are are 63/64 in my guild already. Meanwhile we have people who can’t step onto the Dragon Isles still.

ahh yes the log in servers must be why each quests takes 10+ minutes in game

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small indie company btw!

Finally got in on Illidan but you can’t turn in quests, loot, talk to npc’s so my leveling experience is sub optimal atm… is anyone on Illidan able to actually do stuff?

Im kinda wondering why the loot interface is causing so much problems right now would be interesting to find out.

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Garbage response. Garbage effort. Is garbage all you produce now? Are you actually proud of this?

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Can you restart the servers already its been 4 hours of back to back loadingscreens ffs.

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logging in and my UI is reset?

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give us a refund, it’s not like you are a company worth 67 Billion or anything.

What a sorry state you are in Blizzard.

Transports are useless if you cant log in!

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