Active Authentication Issues 11/28

:laughing: Oh, you silly blood elf.

I was logged in since 4pmEST got booted and cant even log back into a-52 where my main is


“were guna need a bigger boat”
oh wait

DEVs catering to all the streamers. Not 1 streamer is having this issue smh


Same here, same server :frowning:

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i get all the way loaded but instead of going to the game it says disconnected from the server

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When i finally get in after hours of trying to play the game when i loot something i takes for ever then d/c’s anyone else having this issue?


People need to relax and eat more cheese.

Blue Post was a bot 100% confirmed dude dropped a copy pasted post, and never returned. I dont want a refund I want the OP to be dropped from blue JS JS

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Fix this sh!t
GD streamers are playing with no issues. Fkn joke,


Ya happened to me twice.

didn’t he just NOW start having issues but instantly got back in? Like is that your weird slam? lol
 idk, i don’t watch streamers so maybe he has been having issues, but if he just now got d/c but was able to get back on instantly and is facing no lag, then ya
 I mean is it that hard to realize they are given priority, hell didn’t Path of exile admit they do that for streamers, but you really think blizzard wouldn’t do that?

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Killing me, I get it and know it can’t be perfect, but this is killing me.

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so fun watching streamers max before you can even play

what a joke blizzard


You know you all could be spending this time watching streamers play so you can get a mount, since they’re playing without issue.

Guess that’s why they have a rare mount as a drop.


(I’m joking so don’t attack me)

You may be joking, but that is what it feels like. Watch the game you paid for so you can get a mount nobody cares about except for the “smart” ones that paid almost $10,000 for a bunch of pixels

like seriously why are the servers even up right now? 90% of people can’t play. shut it down and fix it. slapping 99.9% of your playerbase in the face


People already level 70 and my server has been up less than 10 minutes since launch. GG


Ik seriously believe a roll back is only fair

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They’re clearly not going to do anything. They expected this, because they don’t have the infrastructure needed to handle the sort of traffic they’d like in the game. They’re just going to sit on their hands until it gets too late for most people to play, and the traffic dies back down to a level they can handle with their derelict servers. Then they can say it’s all better, and do it again the next drop.