Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Like i agree CHRONIC m+ leavers have to be addressed, but not like this. Not with vague “if you leave too much we will ban you” threats.

Because like it or not, a very large portion of groups are full of toxicity and not wanting to be around that toxicity when it reaches a break point mid run should not be punished.

This is giving toxic players free reign to bully and harass.


At least you don’t have to feel bad about a real person slogging through them all with AI on the case.

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I can’t wait for Blizzard to start banning people for being bad :rofl:


I get critical thinking is lacking in this thread but good lord lol.

Lol then stay out? If you don’t like pugging, form your own groups instead of getting angry at pugs.

Literally helps NOTHING if you get angry at random people.

I’m all in for fairness, I’m very interested on how long the ban actually is. A tremendous amount of speculation is being done right now and ironically none of us know what the punishment is. There are many areas that get little oversight within the game and others, i.e. this current change that get a hammer.

I’ve seen dialog in all different chats within the game get pretty heavy, yet i can’t spell "S.H.I.T. properly within this forum without being censored. Merely pointing out the ridiculousness of this lol.


I really think this is just meant for people who are lowering keys on purpose, not leaving because a runs not gunna time but ya, its odd that no clarification or follow up is provided

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I can’t wait for the crying about the lack of tanks now that Blizzard gave free reign to be toxic in chat with the risk of account action for leaving a party. What a disaster of an idea this policy is.


No indication of what the threshold is and no indication what the punishment is.

The is just a bad announcement all around.


So…they basically are putting in an automated counter where if person bails on group greater than X times = auto-ban?

Eh. Not really surprised. It just brings m+ into line with other auto-ban systems.


There’s already a lack of tanks, big smarty!

Haven’t you ever heard “One step back, few steps forward?”


Can we keep an eye on the thread and provide some information instead?


Blizzard putting on a masterclass in how to kill its most popular game mode. No information either on how this will be evaluated. If it’s anything like the vote kick abuse or the mass report griefs, I expect this will go over horribly.


I wonder how they quantify that and know who to investigate. Given the premade group finder titles/description actions could be automated. Seen now 3 cases were someone was actioned for a completely fine title and not the ‘automated squelch’ people claim happens.

More like a step back, and a couple more steps back with the worst policy change I’ve seen then make.


Probably not an in-game ban, but rather a ban from Mythics.

I doubt they will be specific. “If you do it 10 times a day you will be suspended” - so people who are into griefing will do it 9 times a day.

But it will be interesting to see what the effects of this are across the board.

People are severely exaggerating both ends to this…

I would suggest Blizzard though please show where the metric is or at least the idea of it because some of this whining is hilarious.

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Y’all are asking for metrics when it happens EVERY SINGLE DAY.

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Sittin’ here drinking tea, contemplating the path of our lives so far. Bricking keys griefing as a passtime is by far one of the things I did not have on my “human’s weird hobbies” bingo card.