Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Kaivax with the ninja skills. I saw that.


this hard stuck 2500 warrior main coping from the “safety” of his alt lol

Now if only he’d use them to answer questions


Hope its not just only a couple of days ban.

Hiding it by being intentionally vague is telling people to follow rules upon which you refuse to elaborate, which is dumb.


Ninjas are often silent grasshopper.

Indeed. A couple of days is way too long for leaving a party.

Can’t wait for even more “WHY IS NO ONE RUNNING M+ ANYMORE, DELVES RUINED THE GAME” threads.

When in reality the drop will be due to this. You do not clarify how much is too much and as such people will not risk it. In EVERY m+ group, there is a chance of having horrible teammates and people don’t want to get trapped by bad groups with no chance of finishing. Which is what this causes.

Battleground participation PLUMMETED when blizzard said they will ban people who defend bases if they are reported because it’s “non-participation”

So don’t be shocked when m+ participation plummets after this.


lets keep this same energy now and hit them hard everyday

There needs to be an option to report.

Whenever I try to report a leaver in my keys the only options are “Name” or “Communication”.

I want to report players for negative actions, not just communications.

I fully expect to be on break from dungeons until next season, and even then I am very hesitant about pugging again. I don’t want an account action because the group is incapable of performing adequately, nor do I want to wait for hours.

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It wasn’t actionable to leave a group before. It shouldn’t be now, but Blizzard decided they needed an easy L for the holiday season.

oh no one less griefer tank player leaving every 11 he bricks nooooo


The M+ pug scene is going to react quickly to this change, people were already complaining/crying about “picky” group leaders in LFG/pug-land as it was… I promise you, this WILL multiply the “pickiness” of getting invited into a random pug group by like x10 or x20 as people try to reduce their risk :laughing:


“Wah, why are there no tanks”


That’s hardly going to be the case. And if someone that stupid is going to create that thread, they already know why they’re so angry.

Delves hardly affects Mythics. I told this community time and time again, its a player base issue. Not a Game Pillar issue.

I have a feeling ticket loads are going to increase. RIP ticket queues.

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Oh absolutely. But at least nobody will be disruptive by leaving a player-made party.

That tends to happen when actioning accounts retroactively for an already-bad policy change.


dps mad about getting denied for M+ is about to amplify by a huge margin