Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Voted out? In m+?

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The clarifier is “many” and will probably should be a warning for those at “some” and pretty much should boil down to, “If you can’t commit to the time, don’t queue”

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BIGGEST W EVER blizzard!!!

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That’s precisely the case. It’s even worse if they remain quiet and fail to specify how this works with the timer.

I think that this might be my queue to stop running keys for the season though, I’m not about to eat an account penalty because people are hard carried.

This is exactly the problem now
but it seems the people in this thread don’t seem to mind Blizz’s vague threat.

But your solution seems about right. If you want to leave the group, hold the group hostage until someone else leaves, so abandoning the group doesn’t go on your record.

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 I’m a bit surprised. It’s much requested, but I can see this EASILY spiraling out of control. The trouble is separating the cases of genuine bad luck (poor connection, having to run due to real life problems, etc.) from the bad actors.

Especially with Blizz’ penchant for automated enforcement and how trigger-happy this community is with kicking/reporting/whatever. I can see this backfiring SPECTACULARLY if players start getting banned left-and-right over the smallest of misfortunes and slights.

 shall we sit back and watch the fireworks?

You’re already misreading it if you think there is 0 clarity.

They specified nothing about the timer, the number of left keys, or the performance of the group. It could mean quite frankly anything at this point with how vague it is.

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You’re arguing with a rage baiter.


Says right in the article it’s for people who leave very frequently*. Go ahead and leave bad groups if you want, just don’t it too much.

Using a similar, but augmented, argument others often use: maybe if you are leaving groups all the time, the common denominator is you?


Its either that or report. Its game sabo. Either way, if solo players want to stick to their precious Delves, let them. But if they come in here and intentionally throw, I’ll have a network ready to send the alert.

In a very funny turn of events the same people defending others can vote kick you for ANY reason in LFD are asking for others to get actioned for ‘joining keys they are not good enough for’

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Like, this is re-enforcing my decision to basically only run with friends, guildies, and ex-guildies.

Plus, with a lot of those groups we can just 4player the dungeon.


There are a few differences between random LFG dungeons and M+. Things like the deserter debuff or the methods of kicking in random LFGs is very different for M+. M+ is a player created grouping with very different mechanisms. If you join a LFG dungeon and decide to leave, you incur the deserter debuff and the group is queued for a replacement. That can’t happen in M+.

I know, I don’t do much in the way of M+, havent for a while, but I can see there is a difference and that some modification of their rules for a different form of play doesn’t appear that onerous to me. If I’m wrong, happy to hear how.

blizzard and vague posting name a more iconic duo

i was building a key on my mage, and i had a tank that never interrupted, never used cd’s, and the dps didnt know what a damage stop is nor knew how to interrupt, can they also get a ban for bricking my 6 GB?

If your going to hold me hostage to a group of bad players then i want them to get a ban too for RUINING MY EXPERINCE, AND “REPEATEDLY AND RECKLESSLY DISTRUPT MY MYTHIC + GROUP.”


Holy crap that transfer was QUICK.

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We got merged boom.

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Which is precisely why it shouldn’t result in a penalty to leave a player-made party.

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I just got home from traffic, just now catching wind of this thread

But holy
 they actually are doing the unthinkable, they’re actually “going there”. Hell has frozen over :flushed:

I predict this thread will blow up by hundreds of posts within a few days, just wait til the average normie hears about this Blue-post

Too tired to comment atm/just got home, but at first glance this looks like a :poop:storm already brewing even though the Bluepost isn’t even an hour old yet

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