Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Which makes the previous statement misleading, plain and simple.

You could try to beat Bruce Lee, Tyson or Ali in their prime but we know the odds against that as well, right? :roll_eyes:

Maybe if they’re bored and want a good laugh.

No. You just want thing in absolute terms. Nothing is absolute. People don’t talk in terms of absolute.

Absolutely, except that, if you never try, you will always fail.

But some things aren’t worth trying, isn’t it?

We’re talking weighing the probabilities.

How do you know that they aren’t worth trying if you have never tried them?

How do you know the probabilities if you haven’t done the survey?

Be honest…how often do YOU try to talk people into staying in a key that’s not even yours when they say “ggs”?

Not as much as I should.

But I’m not here complaining that people leave all the time and that it isn’t worth pugging.

Thank you. There ya go.

And Julaalu never said all the time. You’re exaggerating here.

They implied it…

If it isn’t all the time, it’s just occasionally, then M+ wouldn’t be wasted content, not enough to scrap the whole system…

Just talked to another player who got this suspension on Monday for “tweaking” in time walking dungeons (his word for it). He, as tank, told the rest of the group to stay at the entrance and let him do a solo speed run in less than 10 minutes. He did it in 8 minutes, but one of the group complained about not wanting to just stand around, and he got the suspension. So it’s not all about leaving keys, I guess.

I very much doubt that he got a suspension for a single event.

And it’s likely that he is misattributing the suspension to something that recently occurred, rather than what he was doing in the weeks prior.

It isn’t ‘the suspension’.

These suspensions are something Blizzard was already doing but they adjusted parameters to make it more stringent.

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Even if the entire group reports you, it only counts as 1 report. This wouldn’t have gotten them flagged on it’s own. Was most definitely doing things in addition to this across multiple runs.

Allot of drama, one of your streamers even caught a ban, Taliesin & Evitel. Evitel caught the ban :woozy_face: they had a live stream with Tali questioning her about it :man_facepalming:t5: :laughing:. I’m not gonna lie I’m wondering if it wasn’t something they did to her to show they ain’t messing around and if her ban will stand, as much as they promote the game :man_shrugging:t5: :v:t5:

I thought they were just suspensions. If it is a ban, then there’s something more going on, and serious.

I thinknyou are working qith the theory that a single event can trigger this enforcement.

I would lean the opposite way and make an assumption that this is a patterned behavior. When it becomes a consistent behavior where a large portion of key attempts consist of you being the first to leave.

I would also assume that its not only player complaints that have reiggerd this response, I can assume blizzard keeps thier own internal metrics on key attempts, fails, and “unreasoned exit” behavior.

So yes, habitually entitled players, using the Group Finder system should be held to a resonable standard.

What key level is it appropriate for you to have minor expectations of your team members? By minor I mean

-knowing the dungeon mechanics
-using defensive cooldowns
-doing at least blue parse dps

Oh well it’s not changing my behavior, if I catch a suspension so be it. I also despise leaving keys over something silly like a single wipe but feeling like you have to struggle to fail a key completion when your teammates have no intention to play the game properly given the setting seems rather silly

Just remove key depletion.

This is a far too common Blizzard L. Your game design and policies incentivize toxicity and then you are Shocked Pikachu when players are toxic.

Instead of suspensions for harming others, the solution is to ensure it should not even be possible for someone to do that harm.

People still don’t like having their time wasted

It is extremely curious that RIo gives us a lot of data but no data on quit on M+.
I have felt - for a long time - that this website / addon is more what hurts the game than what helps.
We play so that other people make money with their web sites. The data that the game provides is enough to know whether or not you can invite a player. It’s a +8, did you do it before at least at +7? timed? How many keys 8 to 10 did the player make, what experience does he have? All this data is given to us by the game. Did Proving Grounds in his spec? what rating? all game data.
Let RIo provide the abandonment percentage of that player and I will believe that I am not being used to make money.

I wish you guys would be more communicative in other threads like Class tunings and M+ issues. All you do on those threads is ghosting and keeping silence.

The community deserves active communication about what Developers are doing.

I do have other toons I play too, …or try too. Tank is one.