Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Yes, it does.

You. Choose. To. Stay. Or. Leave.

Also. Typing. Like. This. Only. Makes. You. Look. Like. A. Clown.

And how has that worked out for you when your keys fail, huh?

Right. Back. At’cha.

Not bad, since I’m not the one complaining about leavers? I’ve stated multiple times that keys are not guaranteed to succeed. Vetting helps increase the odds of success.

You realize I was mocking you for doing it first right? No one takes people seriously when they add periods between every word. It does nothing for you.

Some maxed out PVE gear (e.g., weapons, legendaries, etc.) are going to be better in PVP than anything you can buy with conquest. You’re not going to get those without doing PVE, lots of it, and at the highest levels.

Yes you do. You chose to stay in the group.

Nothing can guarantee a run though, you’re in the wrong game if you want absolute certainty.

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I totally agree. You yourself can chose to stay in a group. No question.

My problem is a line when others state: “some people can’t get others to stay in a group.”

Well can you keep people stayed in your group? How do you convince people to stay?

I don’t see the problem… It’s true, some people can’t.

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My apologies. The FULL context is that Julaalu stated…

…which is true. someone answered him and stated: “Correction, some people can’t get others to stay in a group.” Implying that although Julaalu can’t get people to stay, HE or others CAN get people to stay.

If people decide to leave a key for whatever their reason is, how are you gonna get them to stay if they decided otherwise?

Well, if it is Julaalu’s experience that people are always leaving and they are unable to maintain a group, then it’s likely that Sôsari’s summation that Julaalu is the least common denominator or is unable to vet properly, is correct.

The vetting process happens before you enter a key, before you even start travelling to the dungeon, each member of the group can vet each other, it doesn’t matter who owns they key.

If you’re finding out that your group is dreadful while you’re attacking a boss, you didn’t vet properly.

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This is an over exaggeration. We’re not talking always leaving. The question stands if people decide to leave a key for whatever their reason is, how are you gonna get them to stay if they decided otherwise?

You don’t. People will leave even if leaving will break a key. Your taking a dice roll pugging.


Exactly. :neutral_face:

You can’t. Nothing is guaranteed. If you want certainty, play Cookie Clicker!.

A other wow killer im assuming. /jk :rofl:

Then the previous statement is misleading, plain and simple. As Julalu stated…

Well, it’s a game which you cannot lose.

Not false, just not nuanced enough.


It is, plain and simple. You CAN’T get people to stay if they decide otherwise. That makes it false.

Really? That’s the hill you’re gonna die on??? :roll_eyes:

I wonder if blizz even reads these forums. 1000 posts later on this thread.

I shouldn’t have to include certainty in my statements, because nothing is certain, if you want certainty, play Cookie Clicker or similar games, but then, even those aren’t certain, you might have a power outage, your computer might explode, a meteor might hit your house… and so on and so on.

If they absolutely are going to leave, you can’t make them stay.

But then, you might be able to convince them, do you try?

If you don’t try, how do you know you couldn’t make them stay?