Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

RIO cannot provide this data. It has nothing to do with farming you for money. It’s because Blizzard does not make that data public.

RIO gets its data from Blizzard’s API that tracks the top runs on each server. When M+ was first released in Legion, the playerbase was much bigger and there was a strong possibility that if you did a low enough run late in the week, you wouldn’t even get credited for it on RIO because it wasn’t high enough to hit the leaderboard on the server of anyone involved. Dungeons which are not completed have never been collected via this API.

Without Blizzard collecting this data and making it publicly available via their API, RIO could not exist. That means Blizzard tacitly approves of RIO, and that was before Blizzard stole their idea and incorporated it into base UI.

Since you provably don’t know how it even works, your opinions on whether it’s good or bad are irrelevant. The fact of the matter is the strong penalties for failure in an environment where you are forced to rely on random PUGs necessitates a feature like RIO to help make a terrible system more bearable.

Being a bad player in group content is wildly rude and only irresponsibly bad players with an entitlement complex think RIO is a net negative. This is not an opinion, it’s a fact. Every person who ever complains about RIO either hides their M+ mains (like you are doing) or just flaunts a low IO. Any attempt to dispute this position had better start with posting from your main character, otherwise you are just more evidence proving my point.

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I’d say that’s a good move.

To be irrelevant, you took a long time to respond to my post. Are you an interested party?

How much arrogance in your statements, and how much defense of a website. It is impossible for you not to be an interested party. You don’t know who i am but you says i’m a bad player. So funny.

In fact my main (Betasha-Ragnaros) has a similar IO to yours. And the feats of strength when it comes to M+ are also similar over time.
Maybe you should have asked instead of spending a lot of text guessing.

pd: That’s an opinion, not a fact. Period.

In fact my main (Betasha-Ragnaros) has a similar IO to yours

Absolutely untrue.

I stopped pushing IO just for the sake of it out of lack of interest, but if you go back to Dragonflight S3, I was timing 26s with PUGs. That would be roughly equivalent to a 13 or 14 in this season. Still, since I’m not actively doing that, I’m happy to say I just do 10s regardless of the reason.

The only +10 you have ever completed was 2 days ago and it required you being hard carried by a 3000 IO tank who times 14s but was slumming it with you, plus every other group member being minimum +250 IO over you. In fact, those four are a dedicated group in the same guild, so it seems likely that you paid for a carry here.

The highest you have completed in any other context is an 8. 8s are not similar to a 10. There is an entire additional affix and it wasn’t even in the same crest bracket until Blizzard later changed it to let people like you progress more easily.

MASSIVE Dunning-Kruger effect going on here. You are a bad player crying that you don’t get invited to the groups you think you deserve to be in, but provably do not. You’re so bad that you don’t understand what being a good player even looks like. That is a fact, not an opinion.


:cook: ing


wow punishing players for your own bad designs shows bad ownership of your own problem that YOU created blizzard. Now, after the fact, you’re trying to change your own tune by nerfing the ‘failure’ costs of not timing a key.

There are basic game design principals you could abide by the de-incentivize this behavior. One is to give a desert debuff, but in this case would work for the looking for group option.

Another is, to remove ‘penalties’ from failing keys, you should get all the rewards for finishing the key, that should be the goal of any key. The only reward for timing, should be the ability to unlock the next difficult or +2, +3 if you’re really that good.

Punishing your own player base for your flawed in game decisions and forcing players to be hostages in keys that are failures (way over time), does not sound like a great end solution. You’re opening yourself up for legal action or at least business complaints for this type of enforcement.

I would love to hear why you think that.

This is the bottom line. I’m lucky in that I really haven’t been in any keys SO BAD that I’m desperate to leave. I will almost always stick things out, even to the point of four manning the end of a dungeon a couple times in the past.

But what happens when someone else leaves and four manning either isn’t possible or the group doesn’t want to because it’s a pain? Do I – and the other three people – get dinged as “leaving a group” because someone else left? I don’t leave groups often myself, but I have been in a decent number of groups which can’t be completed because someone ELSE left. I can’t control that. :dracthyr_shrug:

So there are more questions than just “exactly how many times leaving counts as too many times leaving”. Regarding which, I want to point out, that is also a legit question. Do I think the twice in the past calendar year I’ve left a M+ group count? No. But I support people being free to leave a dungeon which isn’t working out and they shouldn’t have to worry about being banned for picking the wrong group. There IS a lot of garbage out there. Some of what I’ve run into are:

*Groups who don’t tell you they’re hard-carrying someone too low in gear to participate (the one with the good score made the group to hide the low one)
*Tanks/healers who have never actually tanked/healed but want a quick key and figure throwing in a spec from WoWhead is good enough (I had a shammie “”“healer”“” in AGI DPS gear)
*Groups with a super toxic/elitist jerk member verbally trying to pick a fight with half the rest of the group (at least these people can be reported and put on /ignore, but most of the group won’t, so you still see half the argument)
*Groups unwilling to try to overcome language barriers which are preventing effectively running the key (if you don’t want English speakers in your group, SAY SO in your listing and I won’t apply to join… otherwise do what I do and be ready with a mechanical translator)

It’s not fair to blame any of the above on someone who’s just joining a key with the only info being it’s a +whatever of suchandso dungeon.

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That would never work without either removing the rewards for untimed keys or seriously nerfing them. Otherwise the new trend would be to buy a +10 carry, then fail farm that key all season long for max rewards that they could never actually earn now.

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Are you going to something about the gathering bots and the AH bots too?

Don’t mention the bad B word, they’re already sensoring that strictly, cause of the madskillzhc video on youtube getting doxxed real life with actual kill threats and personal information/pictures of his house and stuff, cause he started the “kill bots in HC by griefing mobs to them” movement.

well you say that but mythic plus participation is lower than Dragonflight, and i don’t see this getting any better till they address the difficulty of lower keys.

The problem with lower keys and 10 keys is, that you will always have garbage, majority of <8 players (the LFR “Elite”) don’t even know how to play their class, read what their passives are doing, their combos (what to stack before pressing button 2), what they can dispell/cleanse, hell even saw mages who didn’t know they have a BL, can’t press their 3-5 blinking button rota (unless you play something that requires some brain function like Feral/Sub Rogue). People want to chill farm crests/gear on their alts in 8 keys, but even that is a torture with those people, then you say “okay F it” and go 10s where the boosted bonobos come, who never played a 10 key outside a 3,2k+ boosting group.

Im not reading this entire thread but i want to shout out a solid thank you to all the ppl who abandon groups. I never ever am the first one to leave a M+ group but as the healer i know a shtshw before we even engage the first boss.

Thank you to the many many many dps who leave the group early and bail me out of a shtshw.

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And I would unironically ask so what? Literally who cares? They’d be farming crests and a lottery ticket for one piece of vault gear per week. Get over your leet self. I mean, how dare scrubs ever get nice things, am I right?

cough League of Legends cough

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Yaaay now we can all grab a huge bag of popcorn and enjoy the “I GOT BANNED FOR NO REASON!” whine threads.

Thanks, Blizz!

Welp… that’s what those “LFR Specialists” do… They join/create 8-10 keys and either do tank overall dps, don’t cc, kick, use class abilities like totems/hand of freedom, don’t decurse/cleanse or/and have to google mid key what a self cd is while face tanking every possible mechanic flying at them. And I, aswell as many other mentally sane players, don’t want to waste hour/s in 8-10 keys, cause you have abominations like this in your group. As someone already mentioned 12 > keys are even worse. In almost every dungeon in the current pool, you drag as much as possible together and then let hell lose with BL, (almost) every CD your class has in his arsenal and pot and if you wipe/the tank dies, the key is over.

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