Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

Basic as in you not knowing what the affixes do in +11 keys?

Sorry bud but it’s the truth. I can count the rage quitters on one hand this entire season.

Nothing “basic” there. Next…

YOUR truth.

Who here said this is about specific rage quitting??

Thanks for confirming to everyone that you are the 5th affix.

I guess you wouldn’t know, but it’s standard practice for groups to mutually disband if the key bricks in high keys with no hard feelings. People leaving after 1 wipe or death and raging is generally something that happens in lower keys.

Nah, many people have also said this before.

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No need to kill this poor man :rofl:

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they wont get suspended thats for sure…

You’re off key here as usual. This is not about rage quitting but people quitting in general for WHATEVER reason.

And I’m sure many people would disagree. Next…

Did you even read the Blue post? This isn’t just about people leaving keys. It is about people being malicious which includes raging and flaming before dipping. They were clear that leaving on it’s own wasn’t the cause of the suspensions.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. This is another instance of you knee jerk relying about something you don’t understand. Even in the last time Ben told you to stop after you wrongfully felt the need to “defend his honor”.

I’m not arguing with the Blue Post, I actually agree with them. I’m talking about people who are worried that they or others may be affected for the “wrong” reason.

I get that. People have left keys for various reasons whether they’re legit or not. It’s going to happens. How often it happens may vary but unless you’re part of that particular group Blizz is targeting, it’s not worth worrying about.

I’m literally not worried about it and I have been the one who has been telling everyone to calm down. Again you knee jerked into this without understanding.

Oh, no doubt it’s not gonna be a great system and I’m sure we all agree Blizz needs to be very careful who they may ban or suspend.

The hell are you babbling about?? My point was simple and precise. You talked about vetting and I TOLD YOU that vetting means nothing if it’s NOT YOUR KEY.

You are the one who initiated this after I replied to another person. You are the one who is babbling about something that is entirely irrelevant.

You realize you have the ability to vet the group after you join right?

Yes, you made a statement about vetting and I countered that statement saying there’s no vetting if it’s not your key. Simple, precise and correct.

You can look up their IO or whatever BUT you have no say on the final choice because it’s NOT your key. And all the so-called vetting in the world can’t save you if people make mistakes and the key is bricked. It’s going to happen, even to YOU.

Then how do you balance it so someone who doesn’t like delves doesn’t feel coerced into doing them for the small reward they get. Or vice versa with M+ they tried to make PvP mandatory for an Expac and it about killed the game. So the issue is balancing all these different aspects of the game so no one feels like they have to do something they don’t like. Delves and M+ fill similar enough shoes that with some time we could get used to having only 1… You know, after the obligatory complaining period from the players.

There literally is. You have the power to vet the other players in the group regardless of being the key holder or not.

You don’t need the final say because you can chose to stay or leave.

And yet, all of your so-called vetting doesn’t stop a key from bricking and not getting done when you join in. Your so-called vetting ultimately has no bearing on the players who are in the key that YOU joined and the fail.

This is where the phrase “People generally don’t leave keys that are going well” comes in. Meaning if you consistently encounter leavers then you are likely the common denominator.

For instance, you literally just learned about being able to dispel/decurse/cleanse the affix after nearly 3 months into the season. You are literally the 5th affix.


If you’re doing something competitive enough that every extra item is worth it, then you decide to do it all to meet your end goal. If not, use your head and stop doing stuff you don’t want to in a video game. It’s not blizz’s job to be your playtime monitor.

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Uh-uh, nice try but one thing (vetting) has NOTHING to do with the other (players generally leaving). Especially if it’s not your won key that you join in.

Yes it does. Are you trying to imply that vetting has no impact on the success of the key? Why don’t you just pick the first 4 people that sign up to your key and report back here.

Vetting increases your chances of success. It doesn’t guarantee it. When you vet properly you bring in players with known experience which directly translates to increasing your chances of less wipes, deaths, and people knowing the mechanics. Which again means less rage quitting.

No, it doesn’t.

You. Don’t. Choose. If. It’s. Not. Your. Key.

Your so-called vetting is worthless in that scenario.

One has NOTHING to do with the other.