You can still get IO and be 40% overtime, you’ll still get loot if you’re 300% overtime.
Right, but your tolerance for those things may be miscalibrated. As it stands if I had to guess I’d say it sounds like you leave less than 10 dungeons per season. We don’t know where the cutoff was but I’m guessing its higher than 10. 4 times this season I’ve had people leave a dungeon which was on track to time within the first 7 minutes.
this is a great move
i have experienced this where ppl intentionally sabotage a key for no reason
Please do the same for pvp battlegrounds.
Mythic plus is unique in that leaving a mythic plus run causes the leader’s key to derank and no other players can join mid-run to fill it, so it actively sabotages gameplay.
Leaving an un-rated battleground doesn’t have the same effect as another person will automatically join via the random finder system.
If you are talking about leaving Rated Battleground Blitz, blizzard has already stated they ban people who leave frequently (same with solo shuffle) because it both sabotages the gameplay of their teammates and win-trades for the opponent.
It’s a good thing. I am glad you are taking steps against trolls, elitists, and quitters. Keep up the good work.
you need to action accounts that are kicking people right as the last boss in a dungeon dies as well.
Currently afking for a half hour because a 4/5 guild group kicked me when the boss was at 4% health for no reason other than I wasn’t going to fight their twink for aggro.
You shouldnt even be allowed to kick people mid combat, at least it didnt use to be that way.
Honestly, if you queue as a 4/5 group, you shouldn’t be able to vote kick anyone unless they have been offline for at least 2 minutes.
Since we’re only talking about leaving a key here, define troll/elitist/quitter for me please.
Troll I would assume you might say people who leave as soon as the key starts, where I would say trolls for me are boosted bonobos who cheated/bought the io score they have, to then run havoc in normal people’s 10-12 keys not knowing what their class/specc, nor what the dungeon/mobs/bosses do ruining the key with their mere presence.
Elitist I would categories as 12 > key runners, which you probably never seen once, where the first big pull with cds, pot and BL decides if it’s a deplete or not and not worth in the slightest to continue if you wipe.
And quitters I would define as randomly (or at the start) leaving the dungeon which def. deserves a ban or having a DC/emergency, which is unlucky.
I guess the days of asking my boyfriend “dude can’t you just leave” during a terribad run are over
Wouldn’t it be possible to check achievements and such to figure out if it were a boosted character before the key starts? I see this as the most common complaint, but it’s not something I’ve run into running keys at all.
Now you need to do something about vote kick abuse.
Vote Kick is “working as intended”.
Groups are empowered to manage their own members through the vote-kick system. If the majority of the group feels a player should be removed, they can initiate a vote-kick to remove them. The system is entirely under the control of our players. Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.
Customer Support does not provide loot, gold, or quest/achievement progress not gained as a result of being kicked from a group.
If you have any feedback about the group management system and how you think it can be improved, please submit a suggestion in-game:
- Press the Esc key to open the Game Menu, and click Support.
- Click Submit feedback or bug report.
- Click Submit a suggestion.
- Follow the guidelines on the submission form, and enter your suggestion.
- Click Submit.
Note: Groups formed outside of the queue system (Guild Runs, Mythic +, etc.) will not utilize the vote-kick system. Instead those groups will have one party leader that controls who gets invited or removed.
As you can see, Blizz washed their hands of the Vote kick system.
Updated 3 weeks ago. They don’t care.
Placing the power to enact Denial of Service via Vote Kick and Deserter Debuff is wrong and people being upset with it is not going to go away, and this post will only anger people even more.
edit: didn’t realize I accidentally deleted part of my sentence.
Not really since there are no warcraft logs for it and if this individiual has been boosted every 10 key and already got boosted by several others after that by random groups he didn’t pay money for, you sadly can’t check it. If I see someone having only run like 10 10’s at this point in time and is not a toon, I insta decline those people, cause the chance is like 70%+ that this person is one of those 500k or less overall no interrupts, no decurse/cure, no cc, no self cd dpses, that I can happily do without.
No it’s not
I hope it does and Vote kick gets a sensible rework.
As someone that never leaves keys…
This is a bad idea, poorly communicated, and EXTREMELY UNJUST.
You just started punishing people for breaking rules you didn’t tell them about. That’s insanely authoritarian.
Did you honestly think WoW was a democracy???
Please start banning people for going AFK in solo shuffle out of spite.
Now were bringing real life politics here? Now this thread is going to blow up.