Actions Taken to Curb Griefing by Repeatedly Leaving Groups

The question there is still: how do you draw the line between intentional sabotage vs just being bad?

Lol, they wont share the specifics of how the system works even. They just want to install the fear into players to never leave m+ i guess. This will backfire quick eather by a lot of false positives or some people just running down keys pulling everything untill key compleatley breaks or people get annoyed and leave. Instead of not lowering key level for disband group they opt in to secretly ban players.

You can’t, that’s what would make is so hilariously bad.

This is a horrible decision and that would be equally bad.

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Well if its anything like rated PvP reporting for gameplay sabotage does absolutely nothing you never see someone posting in the CS forums saying they were banned for it unlike the cheats/hacks or abusive language.

Eh, the only real fear is going to be in the lower keys.

People dreadfully underperform through +10s. It’ll be an issue everywhere in rewards level.

Once again, if the player looks at their own results or their fellow guildies and provides some insight, its up to them if they performed “bad” or not. If they had a bad time, they simply won’t play again.

If they DO and they KNOW IT, that’s easily detected game sabo.

I guess that just means we simply report them for trolling instead of leaving and they still get punished, it’s a win win.

Your inability to tell the difference between people who killed Bufo and a few frogs apart from people who frog farmed for 13 hours straight was so bad in MoP Remix that I have 0 trust in this decision to start suspending players for leaving bad M+ groups.

I am 100% sure there are people who maybe left 2 bad pug keys getting punished in this wave and you will no doubt get spammed with appeals.

Another L for mythic plus community.


I just really think this is gonna be a situation where the cure is worse than the disease unless this is non automated and each situation looked at individually and carefully by a real human and what are the odds of that, lol.


More like another L for Blizzard, M+ was fine prior to their attempts to assassinate pugging with this.

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This is where the distinction is important. If someone is underperforming when the requirement is FINISHING the 10 I totally get it but that is very rare at least in my experience.

Well as someone who barely touched the frogs in MoP remix and had my cloak reset down to 25k anyway, from experience leaving more than 1 M+ run probably gets you a suspension.

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The requirement isn’t finishing, its timing. If they want to implement this genuinely trash idea, they should make it for completion keys exclusively, add a completion flag, and then watch them be filtered out by everyone.

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Meanwhile I did frogs for ~3 hours, got the ‘good boy’ bonus of 40k bronze for not abusing frogs, THEN got reset to 25k threads

Yeaaaaaaah, I don’t exactly have the highest confidence that this will go over well.

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Thing is, a lot of players just don’t.

And when it’s suggested to them that they should, reply with “YOU DON’T PAY MY SUB”, sometimes with added profanity.

Truly don’t know what I find most humorous about this thread:

1/ The people who didn’t read the article slow enough to understand it
2/ The people wanting the metrics so they know how often and how to game the system
3/ The people who don’t understand that everything they say and do in the program (game) is part of a log. A log that can be searched, scanned, and analyzed in milliseconds by algorithms.

/gets more popcorn


Hopefully one of the people that received a ban posts on social media. I want to hear their side of the story.

I’m searching for something.


hmm. and then if everyone agrees to abandon and leave nobody will want to be the first to leave anyways :wink:

were gonna need a vote-to-abandon or something.

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If it REALLY comes to this, the ban hammer will seek justice.

Social Contract is here for a reason.